Who's coming to race at the handicap at Menangle Saturday

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 28 Aug 2007, 00:31

Who's coming this Saturday? Race is 4 laps of 15kms each (60km) handicap.


Huw/Adrian/Ron/Eugen/James M have expressed an interest.

Race is at 2.00pm.

I will get back with details.

Who is taking car, and how many more can you carry?

For those of you yet to foray into a Handicap Road Race, this is your chance without having to go bush.

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 28 Aug 2007, 07:33

I'm in but was wondering if anyone could help me get a lift out there.

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 28 Aug 2007, 22:45


We have me, Ron, Eugen and Adrian as definites. Huw can you confirm as well?

Race is 2.00pm at Menagle, in the town next to the pub (along M5 near Cambelltown).

Meeting at 1.00pm'ish to register. Please take your licence and $10 for the race.

Adrian, I can take you but will have to pack two bikes into back of 323 hatchback. It should work out. Let me know your address and mobile by private notification function. If Hew is coming, he might have a better offer?

Race is 60kms of 15km laps. Usually about 30 plus people ride in groups of about 5 or 6. Sound like we will have about 5 or 6 handicapped groups.

Lindsay and I have discussed handicapping:
  • Eugen Chopping block (2nd fastest group)
    Huw Chopping block (2nd fastest - no history to go by, but good strong potential and we must be conservative in your entry rather than being too easy until you've established a history)
    Adrian (2nd slowest)
    Geoff (limit- slowest group)
    Ron (limit - slowest group)
Please anyone else advise if you are interested to come ASAP.

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 29 Aug 2007, 08:49

thanks Geoff. I had a look on the train timetable but they don't stop at Macarthur on weekends. i'll message through the details.

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Postby Huw » 29 Aug 2007, 10:43

Sorry I didn't post a reply to this strand until now.

Yes, I'm still planning to go, and can give Adrian a lift (Adrian, just let me know where to pick you up, or you could catch train to Petersham and leave from my place right near the station). I'm not sure what time I'll need to pick you up, certainly no later than 12 I would think. But I don't really know how long it would take to get to Menangle.

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Postby Adrian E » 29 Aug 2007, 11:29

Thanks Huw,
It might be easier if I go with you cause the bike will fit easier.
I'm looking forward to the race!

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 30 Aug 2007, 21:47

Great to confirm you in Huw,

If you can look after Adrian that would be good.

James M has confirmed tonight he is going as well. He is now living down the road from me, so the two of us will sort out our transport.


And don't forget to bring your licence!

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 31 Aug 2007, 16:14

just a quick question... will there be water stops in the 60km road race?
whats should be the expected water carrying capacity?

Grant Bond
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Postby Grant Bond » 31 Aug 2007, 16:19

60k is a 1 (750ml) bidon sort of race...there would not typically be a water stop in such an event. Take 2 if you are really worried or its hot on the day.

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Postby T-Bone » 31 Aug 2007, 23:44

You'll never get a feed station in any race under 120km (think that's the point where a feed station is needed). I would probably take 1.5-2 bidons, as i expect it to be warm, though different people have different requirements. Better to have too much than too little.

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 01 Sep 2007, 20:19

I've stuck some photos of everyone at today's race on filckr.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/7434357@N0 ... 212699395/

It was a really great experience for many of us road racing novices.
Some of the others might be able to give a better account of the race but basically the first group took honours with a massive hadicap. Two of their riders were never caught taking both 1st and 2nd place. Ron was in this group but caught on the last lap. The 2nd group to leave had Geoff in it and had split up. They were caught by group 3. My group (3) had 6 riders in it but we lost three on the last lap. We did however pick up Geoff who stayed with us to battle it out for third place in the sprint. Unfortantely we didn't get it, but we did get a respectable 4th and 5th in Handicap. Group 4 containing Huw and James were not far behind us and were working very well together. The final group 5 came flying home with Eugene in it, after what must have been as massive handicap. 30mins perhaps? Eugene led a breakaway from group 5 in the final lap, but he was caught in the end.

It was a great day racing and the toughest race many of us had ever rode. There are some sore backsides tonight. Them roads are rough at Menangle!

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Sep 2007, 20:52

Great racing guys.

Question: was the handicapping in accordance to Heffron types grades?
E = Ron
D = Geoff
C = Adrian
B = Huw, James
A = Eugene

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Postby Adrian E » 01 Sep 2007, 21:02

I'm not sure. Roughly perhaps but it was basically negotiated between Geoff and the guys at the club. They asked us to put down our average speed when we signed in.

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Sep 2007, 21:06

I'm not sure. Roughly perhaps but it was basically negotiated between Geoff and the guys at the club. They asked us to put down our average speed when we signed in.
What did you put down?

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Postby Adrian E » 01 Sep 2007, 21:11

I put down 32km/h but finished the race with 33.2km/h.

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Sep 2007, 21:45

OK, that would of put me in the same group as James and Huw, unless there was a group in between.

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 01 Sep 2007, 21:48


Race report.

In answer to your question Michael I was asked to force rank our six guys. We worked out that Eugen was probably 2nd last of the 6 groups (Chopping Block) and Ron was at Limit, so it was fairly easy to work out.

Ron was first off with 10 mins start, then me, then Adrian, then another group, then Huw and James M and then Eugen.

The race was 60 kms of 7.5km (8 times) down country road with some hills. They weren't too bad, with one reasonable hill. Probably like the one which comes up to The Kingsway along Taren Point Road.

We left in groups of about 5 and 30 people in total.

The woman in Limit went out and was never caught.

The guy who came second was in my group. He left us fairly early and I went with him for awhile, but couldn't warm up quick enough and dropped back to no mans land for about 10 kms and then joined the two guys behind from our original group.

The 3 of us worked quite well for about 20kms before one dropped back. The other guy then got a slow leak and stayed for about 10kms before he dropped back. I did about 10kms by myself and started to feel good. Coming back on the last leg with about 6kms to go Adrian and two others caught me. This was good to have a group to work with and rest as well.

We knew there were three ahead and it didn't look like anyone would catch us from behind. We were gaining on one guy from limit but I knew we couldn't catch 1st and 2nd who were also time trialing.

We all did some work on the front. With about 2kms to go I was on the front when we caught the guy in third place and blew him out the back. I asked Adrian if he was in good form and if he could sprint well, as I wanted to lead him out. I forgot to tell him we were going to fight with the other two for 3rd place which he was oblivious to.

I stayed on the front with the line in sight in about 700metres. With no one going to catch us I took it an easy pace watching the other two. Then one attached which was great as we easily locked onto his back for a free ride. The other then attacked with about 200 metres to go, and we all took off. Adrian and the other were in front and I sped up and was catching both quite easily. I was feeling good, but with the quick jerking, I got major cramps and that was the end of the race, as I cruised over the line in 5th behind Adrian who took fouth behind one of the other two.

All in all it was a great road race. The first time I haven't been dropped out of contention because the competition was much more diverse than the more serious open races.

I'll definitely be doing this again at one of the country club races. Who's coming next time?

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Sep 2007, 21:55

Sounds really interesting Geoff, I'm in for next time.

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 02 Sep 2007, 14:16

The race times have been put up here.
http://www.macarthurcycling.com/Race%20 ... nangle.htm

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 04 Sep 2007, 18:40

Some photos now on the abovementioned results link. Click on link to go to this, or view the DHBC ones as follows:

Start line up with Ron in the traditional jersey and ultimate winner at very front.

Me doing a turn at one end of the course.

James and Huw turning at the end point with their group.

Stuart O'Grady makes a comeback practise run testing the ribs, shoulder and lungs.

James sorting out his cramps.

If you look closely, you will see that Christian Moreni and Floyd Landis have quietly slipped into this race. What can they be secretly discussing??

Ron time trialing. This is a pretty cool photo. Maybe we can get this up on onto our regular picture site?

You could swear Huw and I are twins with our $69 Clarence Street Helmet special. But not the belly.

Adrian in classic jersey and classic Trek 1200!

Eugen in usual impressive action

Geoff and Adrian lament the 'Place' that got away from us!

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 11 Sep 2007, 16:15

photos are finally up in the road gallery, I had to compress them a bit for those 56 K modems out there....


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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 11 Sep 2007, 18:19

Good one Simon, the gallery is starting to look great.

Also, I'm glad we have that shot of Ron.

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