Waratah Masters Nov 4 at Lansdowne Park

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Postby Eleri » 04 Nov 2012, 16:39

A good turn up to Waratah Masters today out at Lansdowne Park with a great result in C Grade.

Noel Gorrell took out the Prime, John Mason came first and James Rogers 2nd. We'll have some race reports please guys!

This was my first time in D Grade having promoted myself after winning last time and making that bloke spew. I was worried it would be too fast, but at an avg of 35.4kph I was easily able to keep up. Whether I would have been successful in the sprint remains an open question as I didn't contest the Prime and a crash in the penultimate lap ended my race. Fortunately I didn't crash, but I did stay upright even though I hit the rider who was down (I ran into his bum with my front wheel). Stuart had a bit more contact but was able to stay in the race. I stopped to make sure he was OK, as did Jo the Builder.

Here's some pics from the day

The DHBC racers were well represented in C, D and E grades.


C Grade victors!


Ron Webster with his bike - still racing at 70 and an inspiration to us all


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Postby Trouty » 04 Nov 2012, 17:36

I thought c grade was a great race, and my aim was to finish near the front. When you race regularly in this bunch you know who to look out for, but the riders I marked previously had gone to b grade........I should have just marked our own Dhbc guys given they came first and second. John did a great race and I could see he attacked several times so I knew early he would be one to watch. James was also up the front a lot, but my money was on number 7 as i knew him and had only just met james. no 7 did attack and lead the race out at the final lap but blew up, John and James perfectly followed the right wheel and got the podium finish. I will let them tell their story. It was great having Taku on the sidelines cheering on DHBC, I was really happy to finish 9th or 10th. Well done Noel on the Prim.
Last edited by Trouty on 05 Nov 2012, 06:06, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby JJM_1 » 04 Nov 2012, 20:07

It was great to have so many DHBC riders in the C grade bunch at Lansdowne today.

To me the pace felt reasonably high most of the way through, which suited me as I got the sense many riders were tiring as we neared the bell lap, which hopefully would keep down the speed of the sprint. Which is what happenned.

Got a great lead out for much of the last lap, & then was lucky enough to pick the right wheel as people started to come by at the top of the hill before the finish straight, & so got delivered to the front about 100 mtrs from the line. My first result in C grade!

John M

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Postby Trouty » 05 Nov 2012, 06:08

You'll be up in B grade soon John. You were looking strong the whole race. 37.9 average and you didn't look like tiring.

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Postby James Rogers » 05 Nov 2012, 12:03

Here is my verbose report:

We almost didn't make it to the start – our car was parked on some mystery street far, far, away; when we found it, there was almost no petrol; the Gong Ride was reclaiming the local area; and when I got to the petrol station, two taxi drivers were monopolising the cashier's time. (Of course, I should have ridden to Lansdowne).

But on the other hand, I had Taku with me and the conversation was good. Even the GPS worked. I managed to sign in exactly as D grade started; got a very brief briefing on the course; and had a minute to pull on my gloves and get in line for C. I was prepared to be hanging on the back and probably spat out of the bunch by halfway.

I did hang off the back for the first two laps, introducing the others around me to my own brand of dodgy riding. But to avoid any spills, I thought I should get up towards the pointy end of the bunch... sitting behind any DHBC jersey would do me, and they were all up the front. I can't sprint, and I can't descend, but I can climb. So pushed up on the hill, only to find a couple of Waratah riders going off the front. I chased them, following a lovely Ti/Carbon Serrotta ridden by handsomely attired fellow I dubbed Rapha Man. But the chase was hard, felt stuffed. Luckily, so did they – and we drifted back into the bunch. I took note of the riders involved, and thought I would watch them.

Taku made a great one person cheerleading squad, screaming, "Go Dulwich Hill", each lap we passed.

I watched Noel go off like a cracker on the prime, and he and a collection of the others, disappeared into the distance. Fortunately the bunch didn't chase, so I just concentrated on testing my legs on the hill – I did notice the group slowed quite a bit on the ascent, so figured it was the only place I could gain advantage.

A couple of laps more, and I wondered how much longer. I asked a guy next to me, who said he had no idea. Jedi mind tricks. Must be soon, I thought. I kept getting swallowed by the bunch during the descent, so knowing the last lap was near, I manoeuvred as best I could to the front. Again there was another attack. May as well chase, I thought. For some reason the attack suddenly stopped, but I kept going. I looked behind me and couldn't believe the gap. May as well keep going, I thought. Suddenly Rapha Man was on my wheel. I thought the bunch would engulf us in no time. Bugger, that didn't last long.

"Go Dulwich Hill!".

I looked back again, but was surprised to see it was only me and Rapha Man. Mano-a-mano. My heart rate was totally into the red at this stage, and I was flapping my right arm like a chicken trying to get Rapha Man on the front. He didn't go. I suddenly felt very lonely. I looked into my suitcase of courage and only found a single mothball rattling around. This clearly wasn't going to do. So I sat up and hoped my heart rate would recover by the time the bunch caught us. Rapha Man apologised, "Sorry, I haven't got anything". It was a very Ernest Hemmingway moment.

Back in the bunch, heart hadn't exploded. Another lap passed. It felt pretty slow. Was something happening? The bell answered that. Big surge and the bunch stretched out. I think I was passed by everyone on the descent. I had to get back up on the hill. Stayed in gear and pushed all I could.

I found John M's wheel on the ascent. He was following another guy in blue. By sheer fluke (on my behalf) it was the right wheel to be on. A strong lead out to the crest of the hill, and we sat in that order. I would have been happy to just finish without being dropped. Didn't think I'd come third – but the possibility began to dawn on me.

Suddenly, the guy on the front swung right and sat up, cutting across John's line almost taking him out. We both corrected left (fortunately). I was spinning insanely to keep up, not game to change gear. Heart pounding, I thought the sprinters would clean me up before the line. They didn't. Second.

Thanks to John for the wheel.
Last edited by James Rogers on 05 Nov 2012, 12:32, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby marc2131 » 05 Nov 2012, 12:14

Wow love the account :D
I so much need to train myself up for sprinting, or as Weiyun calls it, 'race form'.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 05 Nov 2012, 13:15

My racing debut... A morning with no Waterfall and encouraging words from Pete T to come and give it a go (despite the fact he had never ridden at Lansdowne). So, I thought why not. I had no idea where the park was but, whilst on the Hume Highway, I noticed a car in front of me with a racing bike on the back. Figuring he was going where I was I blindly followed him for the next 10km. Success!

I had every intention of entering E grade with Pete being my first race and knowing that Pete gets me in a sprint every time. However, Stuart decided to comment in front of the commissaire at the registration desk that I was as strong a rider as he was and as he had entered D grade I should too. Bearing in mind that Stuart had never ridden in D grade, it was into D grade I went!

I started nervously as there is a steep descent shortly after the start line that I wasn't prepared for having done no warmup to learn the course. Without knowing how 'racing bunches' behave I decided to hang back. Despite the 'slingshot' effect it was relatively easy to hang on in the short term while I got my legs in.

After about 10 minutes I started to struggle slightly. I was losing touch with the bunch after the descent each lap and finding it harder to get back on. There was another lady alongside me who also was losing touch. However, after the next couple of laps, I felt the bunch slowing down slightly on the short inclines. The other lady and I decided to push up in the bunch and sit further in the middle rather than the back and I found myself drafting Eleri (if, in fact, you can draft Eleri ;-)). This made life much easier!

From the 30-40min mark I was feeling pretty good and had got into the swing of things... I didn't think I would seriously compete for the sprint but I knew I could put in a good showing and at least be with the main pack going across the line.

Unfortunately, as Eleri mentioned, a gentleman went down in front of us. This forced me off the road and onto the side and I took a Waratah's member with me. Thankfully neither of us fell off but I had lost all momentum and so stopped to see if I could help the injured parties.

All in all, not a bad showing for my first race. I was in a higher grade than anticipated but was able to stay with the bunch for the majority of the race and rode for more than half an hour at a 35km/h avg. Easily my fastest ever ride over 20km. It's a shame I couldn't finish but something to aim towards for next time.

Thanks for the encouragement and support of all the DHBC crew out there. It was a great morning!

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Postby Philip » 05 Nov 2012, 14:01

Great reports! You've all inspired me to upgrade to a race licence. Why do I feel incredibly nervous all of a sudden?

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Postby GregPankhurst » 05 Nov 2012, 14:34

This racing sounds like right good fun.

So I just need to upgrade licence right? (and yes, finally get a club jersey)

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Postby Hashtag » 05 Nov 2012, 14:55

Excellent reports and well done everyone.

I'm looking forward to giving it a go next time too!

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Postby Nozzle » 05 Nov 2012, 20:05

I definitely enjoyed racing with Waratahs as opposed to my usual RBCC race. Heffron is a much tougher course, and rough as guts.

Lansdowne was nice and smooth, with the added fun of a descent and a challenge of trying to mount a sprint from an incline. A new one for me.

I felt good and performed a 'gun check' at around 20mins to see how I would respond to launching an attack from the slight incline before the straight. Felt good.

I waited for the bell lap and held 4th wheel and set about making myself wide. Guy in Green Edge kit launched from the bottom of the climb. No one chased. I held my spot and launched and my 'go spot'.

I quickly caught the guy off the front as I cracked 50km/hr. He looked back and gave up immediately. I looked back and the bunch were still a fair way behind so coasted across the line.

The bunch immediately countered to drop us sprinters. I held the bunch until the climb but still felt the pace too high to recover. The bunch slowly pulled away over the next few laps as I TT'ed on my lonesome off the back eventually losing touch. I held a rough pace of 35km/hr but could not pull anyone back.

On the final lap I was cheered as i crossed the line. The officials thought I rode strong off the front? only to be told by me I was a lap down :(

Phew.... Avoided promotion to B grade.

Will have to attend Eastern Creek for a bit of a flatter course. Much more suited to my strengths.

Will see you a there.

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Postby Eleri » 06 Nov 2012, 10:59

Here's the video of the finish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bI-ango ... youtu.be&a

Noel - you make a cameo coming across the line first!

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Postby Stuart » 06 Nov 2012, 17:52

Well, apologies to JoTheBuilder for helping to drop you into D. I did say a couple of times it was your first race but the 'Vets Graders' thought you looked too young for E - at least it wasn't C :D

My first D grade race after having my 2nd ever win last time out in E (see, I got myself into E many years ago with Trouty's help and never left 8) ) Plan was to not get dropped but managed to stay with the bunch - as I'm the opposite of James I rely on good descending skills & track knowledge to make up a lot of ground at Lansdowne (on the descent my plan is mostly stay on the outside in the first left hand corner and then inside on the 2nd right hander). Anyway. Not much action during the race; just the usual Waratah half attacks up the hill around the back every lap. The Prime came and went with a rider attacking from 1k out and everybody except one guy, who was quickly in no-mans-land letting him go.

Then with 1.25 laps till the bell there was a touch of wheels going up the final hill and the SUVelo rider right in front of me went down. Thought I was gone for sure but swerved to miss the bike and managed to ride straight over his legs without crashing - this apparently hurt him quite a bit. I did apologise later but what can you do?

Final lap, no attacks till the final hill, rider went away and won it, I was 5th wheel at about 30m to go then about 15th over the line as I completely blew. But It was a great race and at least I was near the front at the end. Did my fastest ever lap of Lansdowne on lap 5 of 14 at 38.3 (Strava tell me I'm 169th out of 226 men :oops: ) . Pity that Eleri & Jo S didn't get to finish .. next time we'll get the sprint train happening !!

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Postby Stuart » 06 Nov 2012, 18:02

This racing sounds like right good fun. So I just need to upgrade licence right? (and yes, finally get a club jersey)
As it's now Q4 you can upgrade and your race license will be good to 31/12/2013. And yes you'll need a jersey :-) BTW, upgrades via phone call only.

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Postby Stuart » 06 Nov 2012, 19:58

All photos Ernie Smith Photography

Pete T !! >> http://www.erniesmithphoto.com.au/925%2 ... 43_thm.htm There's a lot of shots of Pete ...

C Grade 3-some http://www.erniesmithphoto.com.au/925%2 ... 25_thm.htm

Stuart with pretty ugly race face >> http://www.erniesmithphoto.com.au/925%2 ... 26_thm.htm

Winning C Grade! http://www.erniesmithphoto.com.au/925%2 ... 42_thm.htm

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Postby Peter T » 09 Nov 2012, 16:34

Stuart featured in the Waratah's latest issue of "Tempo".

See www.waratahmasters.com.au and follow the link to Tempo issue 367.

This is despite him running over a fellow competitor's legs and dobbing in Jo the Builder for D grade to the Table of Knowledge.

It was her first race ever, on a track she had never seen before. And she did great!

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