compare & contrast. Fairfax v News Limited

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Postby Stuart » 23 Mar 2014, 14:53

It's been a big couple of weeks for cycling in the MSM what with Easts cyclists being mown down on a 3 lane road, a commuter doored in Melb & a Bris bloke deliberately run down from behind (some may say just like the poor Easts riders). So how does the Mainstream Media (MSM) react? Lets compare and contrast Fairfax V Murdoch/News Limited:

Sydney Morning Herald Editorial, 22nd march 2014:
Time for a cycle of co-operation

The Australian Editorial 21st March 2014:
The menace of urban cyclists

What does this tell us about how various political parties, beholden to their media boosters and backers might respond to cycling incidents and rights and how cyclists might view their elected representatives?

Does this actually concern DHBC riders? Are you aware of the anti-cycling campaign by the Murdoch media that has been running for years and shows no sign of abating?

This stuff appals me. IMO it feeds those who see cyclists as illegitimate road users and leads to harassment and even deliberate attacks. Do you think about the media you consume?

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Postby jcaley » 23 Mar 2014, 20:13

The murdoch Daily Telegraph had this editatorial ... 3082_n.jpg
That doesn't read as anti cycling.

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Postby Stuart » 01 Apr 2014, 08:58

IMO, One article does not a defence make ... it's more the exception that proves the rule.

Just in the past 5 days two anti-cycling / anti-cycleway articles have appeared in the terror /, today's even attempting to link the proposal for a bike lane on the Pacific Hwy at North Sydney to Clover Moore, even though it's not anything to do with her.

Here's today's piece which is just totally and utterly appalling, a complete beat-up and full of direct lies and distortions aimed at inflaming public opinion against cycling. Just read some of the comments to see just what type of reactions the terror's readers are having.

On a bike path to chaotic traffic: new cycleways could mean more gridlock for city drivers

But no, really, there is no Murdoch media campaign against cycling or Clover Moore ...

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