Soft! The lot of ya

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Postby Damian » 24 Jun 2007, 10:53

So the forecast said morning showers and clearing. Well, it looks like it's clearing now. Myself, Glenno and AndrewM did the ride in 6 degrees and raining. COLD!

It was actually dry between Sutherland and Waterfall, but that fact that we were soaked made it a little on the chilly side.

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Postby weiyun » 24 Jun 2007, 12:10

I was fully geared up at 5:50am but decided to stay home for the stationary bike when I checked the progress of rain on the weather radar. The idea of 7°C and being wet wasn't enticing. If it was summer, then it may be ok.

Anyway, looks like the rain is still continuing south of Sutherland right now.

I am starting to wonder if we should develop a westerly route on days where there's coastal rain, which seemed to be quite common for the Sydney basin. I note that on many of these mornings, everything west towards Olympic Park/Parramatta are bone dry. It could be a nice option than sweating it out indoors.

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Postby Damian » 24 Jun 2007, 13:30

Olympic park is what I did last week when we had a wet morning. This week, I was ready to go when the rain started up again, and decided that I'd be kicking myself all day if I didn't go and the rain stopped. You can never really tell how it's going to work out.

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Postby weiyun » 24 Jun 2007, 13:38

Olympic park is what I did last week when we had a wet morning. This week, I was ready to go when the rain started up again, and decided that I'd be kicking myself all day if I didn't go and the rain stopped. You can never really tell how it's going to work out.
Actually, the doppler weather radar display on SMH and BOM's sites have been good for me. If you use the loop feature, you can usually get a good idea which way the rain is moving and how fast. This morning it was clear to me the rain will cover the Grand Pde and down to Cook's Br. Anyway, did the stationary bike and treadmill for some good exercises.

So what's a good training route around Olympic Park? Did you just do loops or some other route that actually took you somewhere?

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Postby Damian » 24 Jun 2007, 14:05

I just do loops usually. Last week I got out there, hit the wind and felt very lazy all of a sudden. Then I found an LACC rider and we kept eachother motivated for a while.

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 24 Jun 2007, 16:11

Boys you should have come up to Calga for the time trial. It was an absolutely beautiful day out. It was pissing down when i left & it's pissing down now that I'm home but the sun was shining brightly for the race & drive home....

But you guys have got to stop calling people soft just because they choose not to ride in the rain. Common sense is a funny thing some people have it whilst some people don't but regardless of whether or not you think riding in the rain is a good idea, it is not necessarily the best way to train or the most sociable thing to do. For you can get just as good training indoors if not better & sociably if you do crash & bring the bunch down most people are not happy when they have to pay hundreds to fix their bikes & more importantly they will be even less happy to spend 6 weeks off work with a broken collar bone. So if you want to ride in the rain do it & if you want others to join you encourage them but it doesn't make them soft if they decide not too.... Besides the true hard men were out time trialling today....

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Postby weiyun » 24 Jun 2007, 17:30

Errr... Does that mean you are the ONLY true hard man in DHBC? ;)

In any case, all these softie calls were all just a bit of fun. I don't think anyone is taking them seriously. I think riding in the rain can be quite pleasant if it's a warm day and there's someone who can clean my bike and do the laundry after. :?

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 24 Jun 2007, 18:07

I'm just abit sick of hearing people call others soft. It is a constant theme at the track, mainly to rev people up. I have a number of names that portray me as such, soft c@@K, fairy floss, I think panzy, but fun or not it still has connotations & just becomes repetitive & boring after a while. But the real problem is people get so caught with competition & winning they loose interest in the sport when it doesn't eventuate. You know what they say, there is a certain level of truth to every joke.

But if you really want to get involved in the whole thing go out & do Grafton to inverrel or the penny century, they are tough bike rides...

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Postby mikesbytes » 24 Jun 2007, 22:02

Do I get a softie exemption cos I was in NZ this morning?

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 24 Jun 2007, 22:34

Na, that makes you even softer... You went to all that effort & fled the country just to get out of the Sunday morning ride!

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Postby Damian » 25 Jun 2007, 18:23

But you guys have got to stop calling people soft just because they choose not to ride in the rain. Common sense is a funny thing some people have it whilst some people don't but regardless of whether or not you think riding in the rain is a good idea, it is not necessarily the best way to train or the most sociable thing to do.
Sorry Simon, my tongue was very firmly in my cheek when I posted that, especially given that I've never turn up when there has been even a hint of wet weather. Sorry if I caused offence.

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Postby Grant Bond » 25 Jun 2007, 18:45

Comrades. I know these sorts of comments are only intended as a joke but i tend to agree with Simon on this one.

I think its pretty important that as a club we support people at whatever point they are at and not go on with the "im so tough and you're not bullshit". Personally i find it quite silly!

The elegance of our sport is that it is about people achieving their own their own pace, and i strongly believe that the confidence that that brings can transform lives and communities.

The silly little undercutting comments eat away at peoples confidence...some prick from Easts made a quite nasty remark to one of our riders few months back and they have had no motivation to ride to Waterfall since.

It is discouraging to many and has turned more than a few riders away from our beautiful sport....lets cut the macho crap and try to act like a community rather than a bunch of people trying to make themselves look better at the expense of others.

This means helping one another out, it means sharing your knowledge, it means looking after one another on the road and it means supporting one anothers individual passions and letting them dream their own dreams.

For some of us that dream is winning a race...for me at the moment its riding to work without putting a foot down... for others its to ride down to the shops or avoid all of the bollards on the way to Centennial.. but whatever it is i fully expect everybody in the club to help your cycling brothers and sisters to achieve that dream.

Full credit to everybody that rode on Sunday,racing or training, i have to admit i woke up and was going to give it a go..but wasnt all that keen to get wet and cold for the 3rd time in a week.

To everbody that stayed in bed ...good on sure you needed the rest.


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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Jun 2007, 19:47

With Lindsay and Tim not riding, who got the best beard award ?

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Postby timyone » 26 Jun 2007, 21:14

Sorry Simon, my tongue was very firmly in my cheek when I posted that, especially given that I've never turn up when there has been even a hint of wet weather. Sorry if I caused offence.
Dont worry too much, hes just complaining because hes soft, and is trying to get rid of the use of the word soft so that no one mentions it :D

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Postby timyone » 26 Jun 2007, 21:15

With Lindsay and Tim not riding, who got the best beard award ?
I got a compliment on my beard today off a nice blond girl at work :D

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Jun 2007, 21:39

I got a compliment on my beard today off a nice blond girl at work :D
She must have good taste in Men

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Postby timyone » 26 Jun 2007, 21:40

lol or like beards :D

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Postby mcrkennedy » 20 Jul 2007, 12:53

I agree with Simon and Grant.

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Postby mikesbytes » 20 Jul 2007, 14:10

I agree with Simon and Grant.
Hi Michael, heard you were sick, hence not seeing you on the road lately. Hows it going, are you better? Cheers Mike.

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Postby mikesbytes » 20 Jul 2007, 14:10

lol or like beards :D
Hows the lady at work? 8)

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Postby timyone » 20 Jul 2007, 16:57

ummm i think it must have been a donor because i cant even remember who it was

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Postby mcrkennedy » 20 Jul 2007, 17:38

Hi Michael, heard you were sick, hence not seeing you on the road lately. Hows it going, are you better? Cheers Mike.
Hi Michael I am ok, more recurring rugby injury in my neck and shoulder. I think I am ready to get on the road again so will try this weekend. Not Waterfall though! Tahnks for asking.


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