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Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 09:20
by mikesbytes
which number M is Mick?
I'm sorry that's classified information

That's what Team M3 do

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 10:17
by weiyun
It was a great ride, even though I blew up coming out of Stanwell Tops and never quite recovered. I have since figured out I probably didn't eat enough before hand. I'm giving up on this calorie counting crap.
I also find the RNP ride to be a lot more demanding on the energy side. A can of Coke can really help at Sutherland for the return. I felt the hunger pain at Brighton-le-Sand on the return yesterday despite all those extra intake.
Anyway, I look forward to many more park rides over summer.
You can do it at least 3 times a month and the Renegades ride on Saturdays if you want extras. JamesC would look after you and transform you into a strong climber by summer's end! :lol:

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 10:28
by orphic
LOL at the thought of me doing a fasties RNP ride. Once RAW is over I will do Renegade some Saturday's. I'll probably alternate it with racing Heffron.

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 10:40
by weiyun
LOL at the thought of me doing a fasties RNP ride. Once RAW is over I will do Renegade some Saturday's. I'll probably alternate it with racing Heffron.
Don't laugh. Before the days of Slowies RNP, that was the step up. Given that you can now handle Middies to Waterfall, it's not unrealistic for you to ride with the Fasties RNP. It will be painful but I think you can make it.

As a matter of fact, the present Slowies RNP is meant to be a base for people to transition up to the Fasties RNP and further develop one's abilities. JamesC is very knowledgeable and sensible and one can learn a lot by suffering with him in the bunch he leads. :wink:

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 10:49
by G
You can do it at least 3 times a month and the Renegades ride on Saturdays if you want extras. JamesC would look after you and transform you into a strong climber by summer's end! :lol:
The mountain climb :D

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 11:23
by Michael Chidgey
The mountain climb :D
you need moustache and accent to get away with that.

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 11:34
by G
you need moustache and accent to get away with that.
I have both - a moustache and an accent :D

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 13:29
by PeterOS
One of the best rides I've done with the club, so thanks to Mike & Weiyun,
but this now leads to a problem ! How are the dynamic due'o going top this next month ?

Maybe free icecream's at Stanwell Tops.

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 19:34
by DAD1
A big thanks to Weiyun and Mike C for there leadership skills and encouragement given to me.
Thank you to the riders who helped me when I fell due to severe cramp which was nothing to what I was going to experience later on.
Mike C you are amazing, to see you dancing on those pedals as we left Stanwell Tops and started to climb the hill.
Peter it was a pleasure to have your company on the way back,
we may have been last but we finally made it.

Thanks to Simon

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 20:19
by AntonyGreen
And I want to thank Simon for the tow from Waterfall back to Sutherland. I totally lost my rhythm in the into the wind section after Stanwell Tops. It were bliss for a bloke my size to slipstream behind simon into the wind back to Sutherland.

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 20:33
by weiyun
David and Peter: I am really impressed with your gutsy determination to complete the ride. It was a ride that put many of us younger guys and gals in bad pain and let alone having had a fall/cramp even prior to Waterfall. Fantastic!

Re: Thanks to Simon

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 21:16
by simonc
Good ride, thanks to everyone for making it fun, and particular thanks to the leaders.

Also thanks to Mark for getting me to the front again after a slight mechanical in RNP, and then helping me put the fixie boys into the red :lol: Although there is no way I could do that climb with a fixed gear so my hat goes off to both of them.
And I want to thank Simon for the tow from Waterfall back to Sutherland. I totally lost my rhythm in the into the wind section after Stanwell Tops. It were bliss for a bloke my size to slipstream behind simon into the wind back to Sutherland.
My pleasure.

I'm looking forward to seeing Orphic on the RNP ride next weekend :wink:

Would be good if everyone could please pass on messages. Every rider should pass the message on automatically, this acknowledges the message has been heard, passes it up/down the chain and means that the people at the front/back do not have to shout - repeatedly.

It would also be good if that driver who passed us going down into RNP from Waterfall could meet with an unfortunate accident before the next RNP ride :evil: !! From the way he was driving it can't be far off!

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 22:01
by G
we may have been last but we finally made it.
It's not you! It's me! :)
I was the last one to reach the cafe. Big up yourself Dave, it was a good effort from you yesterday.

Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 22:08
by mikesbytes
Hey SimonC, the fixie boys will be out to outwit you next time :D

Nice climbing mate

Would love to come on RNP with you next Sunday, but DHBC has their crit on.

Posted: 06 Oct 2009, 20:03
by Frank S
Hi All,
I haven't done the RNP ride but would like to try it...(slowies)
Does anyone know the route for Sunday the 11th?
How far is it?
Thanks, Frank

Posted: 06 Oct 2009, 20:57
by mikesbytes
Hi All,
I haven't done the RNP ride but would like to try it...(slowies)
Does anyone know the route for Sunday the 11th?
How far is it?
Thanks, Frank
Weiyun and I haven't discussed the route for next Sunday, slack ain't I.

I also haven't told told Weiyun, that I can't do it as I'm racing at the world masters games.

Posted: 06 Oct 2009, 21:04
by weiyun
I'll have to apologize for this month too as we'll have visitors arriving on Sun morning and I'll be at the airport during the scheduled ride time.

Jo and other regulars, interested in leading this month's Slowies RNP?

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 06:26
by Trouty
I'll have to apologize for this month too as we'll have visitors arriving on Sun morning and I'll be at the airport during the scheduled ride time.

Jo and other regulars, interested in leading this month's Slowies RNP?
Hey guys, I would have gladly helped out this week but I'm out for a school reunion - no riding for me :(. There are several strong riders in this group now that could easily lead / help out. Some that come to mind: Ian, Anthony, Migueal, Mr Astana. There are a few other regulars but I can't place the names. Oh yes and Andrea - although he tends to go with the middies these days.

Have fun guys.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 12:21
by jimmy
I can do this if there is enough interest.


Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 13:00
by AnthonyI
I'm keen on this ride and happy to help out / lead, although I only know the usual Waterfall <> Audley route.

I missed out on last month's route - through Stanwell Tops. I'd be keen to give that a go as it sounds like a nice ride. It's also be a good warm up for the gong ride in a few weeks time.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 13:16
by weiyun
I can do this if there is enough interest.
With your knowledge of the route, it would be fantastic! Note this ride's earlier start time at 5:45a. Thanks.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 13:36
by Miguel
I like to do this ride, and I really enjoy the Stanwell Tops way, it will be great if we can do that ride again, I'm also able to help if it is needed.

slowies RNP

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 16:13
by brego
hi guys ,

so how many kms is this RNP ride , never done this one :?:

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 16:39
by weiyun
I won't be there and won't impose on the route. But to say that the Stanwell Tops loop is significantly longer and will delay the return time. It also places additional demands on endurance that may stretch some.

Otherwise the basic Waterfall -> Audley route is around 93km return from Marrickville with 3 climbs within the park.

Re: slowies RNP

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 18:13
by Trouty
hi guys ,

so how many kms is this RNP ride , never done this one :?:
Come on can do this ride easy.

Re: slowies RNP

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 18:26
by mikesbytes
hi guys ,

so how many kms is this RNP ride , never done this one :?:
96k I think, James C can correct me if I'm wrong


Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 20:20
by brego
thanks guys '

93 or 96 plus from where i live 12 kms each way make it 127 km or 129 kms total , means that i wake up 4.45 am to get there 5.45 am :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: , i have to be bring some extra sandwiches in my back pocket and set my bike to auto :roll: :roll:
i will give a go if it does not rain or blow a gale , when you get to my age there is nothing else to do :wink: :wink:
, see you at 5,45 am sharp
rgds evryone who wants to enjoy the :lol:

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 20:31
by weiyun
Yep, that 5:45 start time equates to a 4:45-5am alarm for me too. It's all worth it once the ride starts.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 21:05
by mikesbytes
5:20 alarm for 5:45 at Mick Mazza's. I must be softer than you guys

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 06:13
by jimmy

I'll help run this ride, it would be good to have someone else who is experienced with the route. I will sit on the back of the bunch, otherwise, I will just steadily increase the pace on the front until there is no one left or someone yells out. However, I will push to the front before the descents, get down first, wait at the bottom, and then race up the other side.

I have a commitment at 10am for Unicycle Hockey, so I am going to run the normal route.

Princess Highway to Waterfall -> Royal National Park -> Audley -> Return

This is about 95km or so from Mick Mazza's

5:45am depart, Sharp!


Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 07:26
by weiyun
Thanks again James. There are always other riders with experience of the route who can assist. Given this is a training ride, a occasional push in the pace may not be a bad idea. ;)

Posted: 10 Oct 2009, 11:50
by jimmy
Just a quick reminder that as Daylight Savings is now in place, you will need lights for the 5:45am start.


Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 03:59
by jimmy
Wet and Miserable at 5am

Ride Cancelled


Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 13:18
by weiyun
We are on again this Sun and both Mike and myself are out of ideas this month. So we figured that given the recent Gong ride and Fixie Century, it's time to test everyone's legs again on the traditional Waterfall -> Audley loop.

Prayer and sacrifice to the Rain God so that we can have a dry Sun AM.

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:19
by mikesbytes
I've got 4 bikes to choose from for this ride;
- Focus, if I want to be real quick
- OCR, the trusted and proven RNP steed
- The beast, appearances can be deceptive
- Fixie, now that's a challenge

So which one shall it be

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:35
by weiyun
I want to see your Focus!

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 23:13
by mikesbytes
I need a torque wrench before I can ride it again. And I ain't taking it out in the wet :wink:

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 05:22
by Trouty
We are on again this Sun and both Mike and myself are out of ideas this month. So we figured that given the recent Gong ride and Fixie Century, it's time to test everyone's legs again on the traditional Waterfall -> Audley loop.

Prayer and sacrifice to the Rain God so that we can have a dry Sun AM.
I would have love to come this SUnday, but yet again social engagements get in the way. NOT HAPPY JAN.

MIKE - I have a torque wrench, but we will be away Saturday.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 06:37
by weiyun
I need a torque wrench before I can ride it again. And I ain't taking it out in the wet :wink:
You can borrow mine too, and I'll even carry it on the ride for you. So no excuses. But of course, CF will explode on contact with water. :wink:

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:53
by simon.sharwood
Damn! Am really primed for this, but Sunday is my wedding anniversary. Not the day to come home shattered after a long ride before eating and sleeping for the rest of the day ...

Posted: 05 Nov 2009, 09:48
by MarkG
Was looking forward to another RNP, especially after testing the legs on the Gong return last weekend but unfortunately had a fall yesterday on the way home from work avoiding a car that pulled out & into the cycle lane on wilson st at Newtown. Bike OK but dislocated my elbow & now in plaster. Can anyone recommend a good physio for the rehab? I recall discussion on the forum about a bike knowledgable one in i think, enmore or newtown area?

Posted: 05 Nov 2009, 12:11
by jimmy
Active Physiotherapy, cnr of Erskinville Rd and Wilson St.


Posted: 05 Nov 2009, 14:32
by Miguel
Sorry to read about your fall yesterday Mark, I hope you will recover soon and well, hope to see you back on the bike soon and ready to tackle the hills of RNP take care

RNP Slowies Northside Summer Excursion

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 10:23
by weiyun
The ride hosts have decided to offer up "RNP Slowies Northside Summer Excursion" for the next scheduled ride on Sun 13 Dec.

The route will be up the Spit Bridge and clockwise on the Wakehurst Pkwy and down Pittwater Rd to Manly Beach. Per MikeC's reminder, "No need for board shorts and thongs, lycra is all you need for this ride."

As a finale, we'll hit up on North Head via that imposing Darley Rd climb. Rest and enjoy one of the best viewing points of the Harbour before our return to Marrickville. Total expected to be under 100km with plenty of undulating hills to test your legs.

See you all there!

Posted: 07 Dec 2009, 16:53
by weiyun
Unfortunately due to various circumstances, the "RNP Slowies Northside Summer Excursion" will need to be postponed to another date.

So it's back to basic training this Sun with the usual RNP loop (Waterfall in, Audley out). Usual 5:45am start at Mick Mazza's.

Posted: 09 Dec 2009, 10:26
by G
Unfortunately due to various circumstances, the "RNP Slowies Northside Summer Excursion" will need to be postponed to another date.

So it's back to basic training this Sun with the usual RNP loop (Waterfall in, Audley out). Usual 5:45am start at Mick Mazza's.
zee monten climbb :P :P

Posted: 09 Dec 2009, 12:25
by mikesbytes
Last chance to tackle the park this year (apart from with James C next week) so go for it guys/gals

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 18:35
by G
ze monten climb!

I didnt know where does the climb officially stop. I.e, at the waterfall sign or at the bridge? I think I clocked around 12min. Did anyone else time?

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 19:31
by weiyun
I didnt know where does the climb officially stop. I.e, at the waterfall sign or at the bridge? I think I clocked around 12min. Did anyone else time?
Most of us stopped with GeoffM's second flat 1/2 way down the hill and in view of time after the repair, decided to just go further down the hill until we see you on your way up. As it turned out, that happened just a hundred metre or so from where we stopped. So no, most of us didn't get a chance to do the full time trial. But it was a hard chase going back up as you had a huge lead by the time we braked and did our U-turns.

To compare your time and enter it in somewhere meaningful, follow the link below. It also specify the start and end points of the climb. ... spx?id=199

There's also one for Artillery Hill. By time, it's about 1/2 of Waterfall Hill. ... px?id=1451

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 21:42
by geoff m
For those of you who followed my story this morning on my son, it was waiting for me upon my return!

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 22:39
by weiyun
For those of you who followed my story this morning on my son, it was waiting for me upon my return!
Like minded couple! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 23:13
by weiyun
We are having a change of format for this ride in 2010. Pls follow the new "DHBC Adventure Training Ride" thread for updated information.