Riding to the airport

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Postby simon.sharwood » 12 Feb 2010, 09:04

Yesterday I had to go to Canberra for a meeting, and decided to fly.
I also decided to ride to the airport, because the domestic terminals have some nice new bike racks!
The airport provides a map of the racks here: http://www.sydneyairport.com.au/SACL/Bicycles.html
The route is a bit scary. I went down Burrows Rd, which is fine. But from thre, Ricketty St, Kent Rd and the other streets heading to O'Riordan and the airport are a ruck and just not bike friendly at peak hour!
I footpathed it, and that was tricky too because lots of folks walk to and from the many offices etc. around the airport.
The journey was, however, about 10 minutes faster and $30 cheaper than a taxi.
The racks are adjacent to a car park and there appears to be no lighting or CCTV to deter thieves, but there are cars streaming past all the time and some foot traffic. I reckon leaving a bike overnight is a recipe for disaster.
Overall I'd do it again for a day trip, but I have the advatage of being a business casual dresser, rather than a suit wearing guy. I also have a rubbish bike I would not mourn if it were stolen (if it goes, there's no posisble reason for me NOT to build a fixie!).

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Postby weiyun » 12 Feb 2010, 10:34

Premium lounge membership would nicely complement this arrangement. It would mean a nice cooling shower and change of cloth upon reaching the airport. :wink:

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Postby Julio » 12 Feb 2010, 11:08

There is a bike path that goes off the canal end of coward st, along the canal then you double back along Qantas dr. Not the most direct route but its bet more bike friendly.

But if you are coming from anywhere in Marrickville, you just use the cooks bike path up to tempe, go around the ovals, through the car park then use the little bridge near the toilet block that leads to the bike path mentioned before, riding alongside Qantas dr.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 12 Feb 2010, 11:16

@Julio I know and love the path that comes out on Coward street. It's the bit from there to the Domestic terminal that is tricky!

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Postby mikesbytes » 13 Feb 2010, 05:42

I am aware of a bike been stolen from that rack so I wouldn't leave anything flash.

A quieter route would of been to the bike path from Tempe, but not as direct for you

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