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Unicyling for idiots

Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 18:22
by Timbo
My wife gave me a unicycle for Christmas, having concealed the gift for some months by saying, straightfaced, that it was not bicycle related.

I know James C is a keen unicyclist, and if you are out there James please get in touch and give me some hints about how to get going. Help from anyone else would be appreciated too!

Re: Unicyling for idiots

Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 19:06
by Rainbow
What you need is a wall / railing and a slight down-hill slope and a lot of practise :-)

Re: Unicyling for idiots

Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 08:58
by mikesbytes
I've got one too, but its still in the box

Re: Unicyling for idiots

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:36
by jimmy
My wife gave me a unicycle for Christmas, having concealed the gift for some months by saying, straightfaced, that it was not bicycle related.

I know James C is a keen unicyclist, and if you are out there James please get in touch and give me some hints about how to get going. Help from anyone else would be appreciated too!
Yep, I'm here.

There is a lot of info out on the web, but the best way to learn is probably along these lines.

1) get the saddle height more or less right, you sit on the saddle differently compared to a bike, you sit on the saddle as you would stand. But the rules for saddle height compared to a bike are pretty much the same.
2) find a railing or a good wall and get on the unicycle with the cranks horizontal. This is the safety position. Sit up straight, and look forward towards the horizon. Now, initially, you are aiming for half revolutions, to do this, lean forward, then turn the cranks 180 degrees and come to a stop. Later Rinse Repeat.
3) The next step is to go 360 degrees. All of this is still done while leaning more or less against the wall, or the railing. The two biggest things to remember are keep your weight in the saddle, not on your legs and learn forward, you always want to be leaning forward unless you are trying to stop.
4) Now, you need to be ready to be brave. From here, you pretty much need to let go of the crutch. Find somewhere to ride, mount up, and then launch into the empty space. You probably wont get far, later rinse repeat.

It will take about a fortnight at about an hour of practice a day. It does take perseverance, and practice. It is unusual to learn as you can't even see that it is possible when you first get on it.

Good Luck.


Re: Unicyling for idiots

Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 12:27
by Lizanne
once you master a unicycle, they also come in tandem