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UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 09:58
by Staylowe
I am working as a volunteer at the event & have the following travel plans:

Tue 3rd April. Leave for Melb around mid morning to lunchtime.

Sun 8th April. Leave for Syd either after final event ~23:30 or early Mon morning.

Interested to hear from anyone who may be interested in car sharing.

Have additional space for 1 + 2 bikes or 2 + 1 bike.


0410 241 700

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 16:31
by Stuart
see you there George. We're flying and will be in the Aussie supporters section

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 09:32
by weller
I'm there for Wednesday night.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 11:07
by Staylowe

Interested to hear from anyone interested in riding whilst in Melb?

GB Team Pursuit Looking very sleek!!!!
“@2012TrackWorlds: If they keep that up for 4000m = 3.52.2 = WR “@cyclingvictoria: The British Men's Pursuit just recorded a 2.42.1 for 2750m #trackworlds"”

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 18:13
by Stuart
It's a fast track. Aussie men will take the TP (well, I hope so anyway) Jo & I are there Fri-Sun night sessions. Look for the fat bloke in the Wallabies jersey with the cute partner :-)

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 22:55
by Trouty
It's a fast track. Aussie men will take the TTT (well, I hope so anyway) Jo & I are there Fri-Sun night sessions. Look for the fat bloke in the Wallabies jersey with the cute partner :-)
Aw shucks...that's nice Stuey (Hopefully you are talking about me?) Hope to see some of you guys down there.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 18:23
by Staylowe
Great set up @ Hisense Arena.

GB / AUS Team Pursuit Final tonight should be a cracker!

Sitting infield right in turn 3 is a fantastic experience.

Met the French team and had a good chat with Florian Rousseau!!!

Watch all the action live on SBS.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 08:37
by Stuart
bummer about the men's TP - hate losing to GB. Aus take the men's sprint win by one thousandth of a second .... Can't be too disappointed with women's sprint as they did a PB only to be beaten. Looking forward to being down there.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 14:05
by rhys
I am almost angry that I didn't get a change to go, however SBS' coverage has been nothing short of excellent.
Watching the men's flying 200 qualifying right now. A lot of guys riding front discs, is this new, or have I not noticed it before? Is it only for qualifying? They showed Kevin Sireau in slow-motion (and he was still going faster than me) and his front disc was flexing all over the place. Crazy.

UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 14:27
by timyone
The women did really well! They haven't been top four in a while

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 14:50
by rhys
I have decided match sprinting is my reason for living.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 22:41
by timyone
maytch sprinting goes off! Kieran is fun too!!! go in the states!

UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 13:24
by timyone
Far out I am diss appointed that the go from the bell sorint in the final didn't work (due to the unrelated dq)

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 13:08
by Staylowe
Oh well back to reality now (and still looking for work)!!!!!

Really good experience, but very tiring (started just before 11 each day right through to between 1 & 3 am)

Got some nice pics including one with myself & Hoy (some Scottish dude wanted his pic taken with a track cyclist. No idea how he recognized me? Must have been watching the Fat Mans wheel race during the warm up ;-)))) He also stayed lowe & then with slight of elbow improves his position to win.....Gold.

Also had the opportunity to interview Bauge one-on-one, pose some Q's and translate the quotes. Nice to see the BBC use my work:

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 13:13
by Staylowe
Bauge Interview Flash Quotes

Men's Individual Sprint Gold - Gregory Bauge (George Lowe) 07-04-12
On whether this evening’s result is justice for being stripped of his previous sprint title (Ultimately going to Jason Kenny)
Justice sounds a bit extreme. Administrative responsibilities, whilst necessary, can be annoying when your aim is to be the best in your chosen sport. . I have every respect for my competitors and all I want to do is train hard and race well.
On Jason Kenny’s long range effort
I was waiting for whatever was going to happen, it’s like that, each rider watches the other and waits. Tonight I told myself that this this might happen and that I must be ready for it. I think that, today, there are many riders who opt for this tactic. It nearly worked but I was prepared.
Don’t forget, Kenny is a world champion and even whilst I had confidence in myself it was still difficult. I knew what my competitor was capable of doing.
After in the sprint when he came out of the sprinters lane it was a bit sketchy, by the second lap he had already made a huge effort.
If it takes two laps to win the sprint then that what I’ll do.
On the significance of tonight’s success
I am now champion of the world and I have a goal in mind. The main event and object of the season remains the Olympic Games. Today has helped with that preparation and I don’t want to deviate from that.
On Bauge not losing one single final lap & whether that offers an advantage over his competition.
After tonight everyone will be analysing the video footage. I’m not telling myself that I have a distinct physiological advantage. Shortly I will resume my training to work on the things that we know about and then we will see where we’re at.
I’m not getting polarised on my completion. Right now, I’m training well, recovering well, it’s a job well done as far as I’m concerned. There is no reason why this approach should not work for me.
On whether administration issues and lost time have affected him
Although it was only 12 months, the hurt lasts a long time. It also hurts your family and just when think it’s all over someone somewhere makes some noise and things resurface again.
For now I’m living in the present and focusing on my training.
On selection for London Olympics
The French team originally had four candidates for the Men’s Individual Sprint. Tonight I’ve found my golden ticket and for me that’s very significant.
On looking comfortable progressing through the sprint rounds
I had my first world championship as a junior in 2002, I enjoy what I do and feel good about it.
The ambience never felt cold and I got great support from the crowd. It’s like I’m at home here in the velodrome.
On whether he would rather face Kenny or Hoy at the London Olympics
Most people would say Hoy as he is a prior Olympic champion, but for me Kenny has very strong aspects to his racing. I’ll wait and see what the Great Britain team decide and have no real preference.
On the possibility of winning 3 Olympic gold medals
Yes, I’m working towards both the team and individual events. It’s simple, bring on the gold. This is what I’m hoping for through all the preparation work I am doing. If anyone asks me today, it’s the Olympic Games that I’m preparing for.
On the support of the Australian crowd
For many years I have been in the public eye, it’s difficult to explain, but the feeling from the crowd can be so strong that can carry you through. Tonight there were very few French supporters and I really appreciate and love the Australian supporters.
On whether the home crowd gave forgiveness for defeating and Australian in the Semi Finals
The public know how it works. We all have our jobs to do and we try to do them well. All the riders are professional and the supporters understand that. I think that it was natural for the crowd to be behind me.

Re: UCI World Track Championships - Melbourne

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 13:16
by Staylowe
Michael D'alemedia - Men's Kilo Silver (George Lowe) 05-04-12

If I participate, it's to win, and I always believe in myself right to the end.
I also have the right to question myself and today there was only one rider better than me.

I choose to stay positive, today I have been refused gold but in a few years it could be something else.
It's like that, again there is one sole rider better than me.

When you rationalize things, there is the Olympic Games, the object of the season. As far as I'm concerned, I have produced two excellent Team Sprint times, but today it was the Kilo and I came second for the 3rd time.
Look at me, I don't wear silver jewelry. I'm not a big fan of jewelry, except for gold.
Yesterday & today, I have not laughed a lot, but I remain focused for the Olympics.

It's completely different, there is no comparison.
The Kilo is an effort, today, of just over 1min, it's unique and it's what I feel I'm built for.
In the Team Sprint I must suffer as little as possible behind Bauge and then I must keep the wheel of Sireau and then finally produce my effort.
Normally the final rider in the Team Sprint is a good Kilo rider.
There is no real comparison between the two events, you could be Kilo World Champion but not in the Team Sprint.

I am competitive and today I produced an extreme effort because we have the world champion here and lots of spectators. It's not like that when you train alone in front of an empty score board.
The Kilo is an event to improve my qualities for the Team Sprint.
I am 24 years old and I think I can improve.
That's how I'm thinking and I work like that. There you go, I'm happy with that.