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New Rules for posting in the For Sale section

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 21:48
by Eleri
Following the September committee meeting we have decided to expand this section of the Forum.

These are the new rules

1. Anyone associated with the club can advertise a service or something for sale.
2. Advertisers are asked to promote either a benefit to the club - e.g. sponsor a race, provide a prize - or to offer a discount to DHBC members.
3. Please treat advertised services or products with respect. This is not the place to enter into a discussion about the merits or otherwise of something advertised. If you have a specific issue with something advertised, please discuss with a committee member.

It would be great if club members can use this part of the forum as a directory of service - e.g. if you are a tradesperson or peddle some wares likely to be of interest to other club members.