DHBC Juniors Training, News and Statistics 5 Mar 2014

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Postby colin » 07 Mar 2014, 08:41

Hi All,

Sorry about not writing news letters of late but with work getting in the way and the wet weather.

OK what's been happening, the Junior Metros were held on Friday the 21st and we had some great results
Zanzi, Tom, Caitlin and Adrien all came away with Bronze Medals for overall results and medals for individual races, see http://lacc.org.au/index.php?option=com ... &Itemid=78 for full results. Dulwich Hill was second in the club championship, LACC had the greater numbers of riders in the younger age groups, hopefully next year we can field a larger team.

The wet weather has keep the number down, only 4 this week Please remember that training is ON and we run thought various roller and trainer sessions so come on down and get the blood pumping

I know that some have now having timing clashes with their winter sports, please let me know so I can adjust the sessions to the numbers

Only two more track events for this season, ANZAC day carnival in Bowral, 25 April, and the rescheduled of the DHBC Open, 3 May. Entries for the ANZAC day carnival are still to open, keep an eye on the Cycling NSW site. I'll update on the DHBC Open when I have more details closer to the event.

things to remember for the next time we're riding on the track.
1. when your on the front of the paceline, hold you speed and accelerate up the back when you swing up at the end of your turn. otherwise the rest of the group slows which has caused accidents.
2. focus at all times. if you want to have a social chat, keep it for when you not riding.

The bike storage room is still an issue. Too many personal bike still not taken home and bikes not put away properly.

'til next week


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