Amy Hit by a Taxi

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Postby Trouty » 10 Mar 2009, 07:13

Hi all,

Amy was hit head on by a taxi this morning. She was travelling at 5.30am on Redfern St and had a green light to proceed. A taxi travelling in the other direction also had a green light, however, turned right into Chalmers St and hit Amy. I got a phone call from her this morning and was at the scene at around 5.40am. There was a witness that vouches for Amy and the cab driver also admitted fault.

Amy is OK, although when I saw her in the Ambulance she had some scratches, swollen lip and I think she may have some dentistry to be done - it was hard to tell with all the swelling. THey assured me she had no broken bones, but was taken to the hospital RPA and some one will call me to let me know how she is going.

I took her bike home, and the damage I can see is a broken seat post (it snapped), right crank completely bent, but the rest of the frame and wheels look ok. I am not a bike expert, but if anyone out there is, and wouldn't mind coming around to take a look at it at some stage that would be great. If it is fixible, be nice to get it useable within the next 2 weeks as I know Amy has a planned ride in Perth (if she still intends on going). It would be good to at least asses what she has to have done to it anyway.

I will update the post as soon as I hear.

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Postby weiyun » 10 Mar 2009, 07:49

Ouch, glad that there are no threatening injuries. Wishing Amy well in her recovery.

Given the circumstance, the repair/replacement will be covered by insurance. So it would be wise to take it to a good LBS for a proper assessment for hidden frame/component damages and repair/repaint/replacement quote. And make sure there are plenty of photo records for the damage. If the crank is bent and seatpost got snapped, I'd be very concerned about the frame. Typically the insurer would want to examine the bike too. So don't touch it at this stage.

Did police attend the scene? Make sure there's a police report and reference as well as details on the witness.

BTW, what kind of frontal lighting did she have? It would have been pretty dark at that time in the morning. A small investment in some high power LED headlights may be worthwhile. Best deals are those from Not as good in quality as Fenix but have similar models of LEDs that are capable of dazzling an oncoming driver if not directed properly ie. It will get you noticed.
Last edited by weiyun on 10 Mar 2009, 08:49, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Trouty » 10 Mar 2009, 08:43

Did police attend the scene? Make sure there's a police report and reference as well as details on the witness.
Yes I waited for Police to get there. It took them an hour and the station is just 2 minutes away. Anyway - there is a witness and I handed the names and contacts of both the witness and the driver to police. The witness had to leave the scene but was very happy to give any information and at one stage was shouting at the taxi driver for his driving.

The police took a photo of the bike, but at that stage we didnt know the crank was bent as it was on top of my car. I will leave the bike as is...I wouldnt be too happy riding it after a collision at high speed either. I will try and see her tonight if she is still in hospital. Obviously she is a bit down, but at least there are no broken bones or serious injuries.

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Postby mikesbytes » 10 Mar 2009, 09:25

Oh dear, I hope Amy is OK. If she's still in, I'll try and visit tonight.

Get Stuart to take the bike down to an LBS and have them prepare a quotation.

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Postby Trouty » 10 Mar 2009, 09:30

Oh dear, I hope Amy is OK. If she's still in, I'll try and visit tonight.Get Stuart to take the bike down to an LBS and have them prepare a quotation.
Amy just called. She has been released and she is ok. The bike will be fully covered, she may get a new bike out of it.

She will be at home resting probably still in a bit of shock.

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Michael Chidgey
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Postby Michael Chidgey » 10 Mar 2009, 09:33

thats crazy, i hope she is alright and riding soon.

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Postby weiyun » 10 Mar 2009, 09:39

Wait until the final word from insurance. Based on what I've read of others' experiences, they can be a pain and slow. So it's still wise to carefully document the damage and have repair/replacement quotes available. The increase in bike prices should be factored in and a new bike would be ideal given the type of impact.

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Postby Terry » 10 Mar 2009, 09:55

It is good to hear that she is out of hospital and most importantly that she is alive.
After having a head on severral years ago I know how much of a shake up it can be.

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Postby Stuart » 10 Mar 2009, 10:19

So good to hear that Amy is OK and out of hospital. From what Jo said the driver was pretty shaken up and definitely admitted fault - even going on about how he had a daughter her age and would hate that to happen to her.

I checked her light and it's bright and working fine. The bike came from Stanmore Cycles so probably best to take it back there for the quote? The carbon seat post is broken, right hand side crank bent so it can't turn 360 and there are marks on the frame behind where the seatpost should be - I assume the car hit that part of the bike.

I'll take lots of pics of it today.

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Postby Adrian E » 10 Mar 2009, 10:44

Hi Amy, I'm very sorry to hear this. What a terrible thing to happen. The cabbie obviously didn't look for you. I was out there this morning on that street not long after you but I didn't see anything. Hope you're feeling better.

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Postby weiyun » 10 Mar 2009, 10:53

Stanmore Cycles should know what they are talking about. Bob is pretty experienced. In any case, there's no harm in getting a second assessment/quote from a larger store eg. Burwood Cycles, for comparison.

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Postby christian » 10 Mar 2009, 11:05

In my experience, having gone through the insurance thing before I'd be getting a quote to rebuild the bike, not replace it, unless this is less then the replacement cost. When this happened to me I ended up with a better bike. It can take some time to get the money as well, it took me 6 weeks from memory.

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Postby Trouty » 10 Mar 2009, 11:06

Another good thing apart from her health is that Lindsay has contacted her and can supply her a bike for her Perth trip with Mark Hales. Given the circumstances she will probably be happier being away than moping around at home.

Dentists take a long time, however, the hospital has given her referal of a dentist so she will see them today, and hopefully work can get done fairly quickly.

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Postby shrubb face » 10 Mar 2009, 11:16

Sorry to hear about the accident amy. Taxi drivers are the breed of motorist that scares me most on the road.

Best of luck with the insurance, im currently trying to sort out my motorbike, its been almost a month since the accident and im still waiting for them to assess it. Hopefully you will end up with an even better bike than you started with.


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Postby Stuart » 10 Mar 2009, 12:05

Damage Update: Add that the front rim is also bent

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Postby Daryl » 10 Mar 2009, 12:15


Darn taxi drivers...prob at the end of his shift and half asleep! :(

Hope Amy will make a full recovery quickly in time for Perth.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 10 Mar 2009, 12:45

Get well Amy! I hope you make the WA ride, cos it's s magic country you'll be riding through!

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Postby kiwiames » 10 Mar 2009, 13:21

Well this is the first time ive written on this forum, and it had to take this. Anyway, im kinda ok, my 2 front teeth (the crowns) are completely smashed, so i look a bit like a hobbit. I had 2 crowns insterted from another accident 5 years ago. (non cycling related tho). Just been to the dentists and they cant do anything for a week because of the swelling. So ill go back in a week to get temporary crowns for my trip to perth, and then get the proper ones on my return. Other than my teeth I have a swollen knee, lip and forehead and a massive headache. Sounds like my bike is a write off as well. Oh well - at least I am alive to write this!

From what the police told me when they visited me at RPA is that they have placed the taxi driver allready at fault, and there is a witness to back this up. Insurance for bike and teeth will be covered by his 3rd party insurance. My crowns are worth 4 times as much as my bike. So that is what i am most upset about.

Ah well, on the bright side of things I am alive. So thats good.

Send Sydney taxi drivers back to driving school.
Not the other way round!!!!!

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Postby weiyun » 10 Mar 2009, 13:29

Glad to hear that you are home already. Rest well!

You can start to plot for a spanking new bike. ;)

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Postby Daryl » 10 Mar 2009, 13:29

Great to hear that you are ok! :)

Maybe he was colour blind?! :lol:

Take it easy. Hope the insurance company comes through quickly so you can get your teeth fixed and bike replaced.

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Postby kiwiames » 10 Mar 2009, 13:37

I wonder if theres a new lord of the rings movie being made? I could save the producers money by making me a hobbit - i require no make up.

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Postby insomniac » 10 Mar 2009, 13:43

Amy - sorry to hear about your accident..but good to hear you're in relatively good shape. It's a little bit sobering to hear you were involved in an accident. I hope all the hardware - teeth and bike come back all shiney and new. Hope you're on your bike soon. Best wishes.

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Postby mikesbytes » 10 Mar 2009, 13:51

Amy, I let Jessica know, but I don't think she has your phone number.

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Postby williamd » 10 Mar 2009, 16:13


Sorry to hear you had an accident with a taxi.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Postby micklan » 10 Mar 2009, 16:49

Sorry to hear about your taxi tango
get well soon... :wink:
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Postby Rainbow » 10 Mar 2009, 17:41

Terrible terrible news.
Amy, I'm your girl tomorrow. I just realised that I don't have class and my shift at work was cancelled, so I was thinking I'd come over at around 1. If you'd prefer any other time, just give me a call.

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Postby Miguel » 10 Mar 2009, 17:59

Amy sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you recover soon and fully, take care

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Postby malee » 10 Mar 2009, 19:13

Amy, Geoff and I heard only recently from Peter up the road that you have been hit. Very relieved that you are out of hospital. We will speak with you soon.

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Postby Huw » 10 Mar 2009, 19:54

Amy, very sorry to hear this news, but glad to hear that you're out of hospital at least.

I remember speaking to a bike shop owner after the incident with the car stopping in front of the Coluzzi Bunch last year. He noted that, as well as the health of the rider and damage to the bicycle, damaged cycling gear (shoes, knicks etc) is also costly to replace, and should be included in the cost of the insurance claim.

Best of luck with your recovery,

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Postby timyone » 10 Mar 2009, 21:32

far out man!
i hope you are better soon!
i hope your teeth are covered!
I hope you are better soon :)

Hope you are all good for the tour!

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Postby geoff m » 10 Mar 2009, 22:08

Amy, bad to hear the news, but good to hear you are in good shape, considering.....

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Postby Michele Wood » 10 Mar 2009, 22:17

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident. Hope you have a quick recovery. Take care

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Postby lindsay » 11 Mar 2009, 07:04

So ill go back in a week to get temporary crowns for my trip to perth, and then get the proper ones on my return
I'm glad to hear your still planning to go on your tour. Your welcome to ride my touring bike (Black Beauty) if your roadie's not fixed in time.



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Postby AnthonyI » 11 Mar 2009, 07:42


I hope you have a speedy recovery and are back on a bike soon!


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Postby PeterOS » 11 Mar 2009, 12:52


I'm glad your ok and its good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour.
I guess the makers of lord of the rings don't know what they are missing.

oh and Aldi has a sale on soup too. :lol:
I've had a similar experience with my teeth playing footy so I know. good luck.

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Postby Camilla » 12 Mar 2009, 13:10


I had no idea! What a shock to log on just now and find you'd had a head on with a taxi. I was very relieved to read on and discover you were ok and are still able to go to Perth. What a shake up though.

Here's the funny bit - I've just this morning been released from a 4-day stint in St Vinnie's Emergency Unit. Kidney stones. Really can't recommend it low enough.

What a sparkling contest the women's grade is set to be at this Saturday's omnium!

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Postby kiwiames » 12 Mar 2009, 14:26

Thanks everyone for their comments. Ive had a few vistors over last 2 days, few from bike club and couple other friends. Geoff S just took me out to lunch at Balmian also - the best soup! Thanks heaps Geoff.

Ill just be a spectator at the track this Saturday, with my stiff neck and all it would not be safe for me to ride! I brought a new camera for my WA trip on Monday so ill be learning how to use it.

Anyways thanks again everyone.


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Postby timyone » 13 Mar 2009, 07:57

man i was thinking me and simon should come and visit, but i wasnt sure how you were feeling about visitors, sounds like every ones been past any way!
see you tomorrow either way.

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