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Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 28 May 2010, 17:05
by shrubb face
I really do want to get technical (5 years of studying these topics, does that to you.) Toff is right to an extent, but then so is weiyun. It all depends on definitions.

The failure of mike's crank would be classed as a fatigue failure. The very large majority of structural/material failures are fatigue failures.It rare you buy a product only to have it fail on its first use because the engineer / designer didnt make it "strong' enough.

If we look at the steps involved in a standard fatigue failure, we see that actually its the repeditive loading and unloading of the structure whilst its in service, which cause the crack front to propergate through the material, in what could be described as a collection of small failures.

Basic sheer stress, which is what caused this failure, is defined by the formula shear stress = P / A. Where P is the normal force (perpendicular to the face) and A is the area the load is being applied across.

The failure usually begins with a fault in the surface of the material, this can either be a large scratch (macroscopic) or even a small (microscopic) slip in the crystaline plane of the material. This fault causes an area called a stress concentrator, which is basically where the area that the force is applied to is reduced, causing an increase in the stress and therefore a localised failure of the material. This process repeats over and over again, until the material area becomes so small the ultimate failure occurs. This ultimate failure doesnt neccessarly require an application of "brute force", I could simply happen due to normal standard loading.

Next lession shall be on designing a component for infinite service life....

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 28 May 2010, 17:13
by weiyun
Next lession shall be on designing a component for infinite service life....
Waiting for your lecture on Goodman Line, durability testing and FEA modelling. Lovely black box but so damned hard to get it to match a biological system. Worse when nitinol is involved, just plain black art! :twisted:

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 28 May 2010, 17:34
by mikesbytes
So, in translating the nerd stuff, communicated by alex (at least it was more interesting than some of the other posts), the fatigue fracture was caused by the constant loading and unloading of the brute force I deliver on a day to day usage. And the final 80% of the structure caved under the brutal uphill acceleration being delivered.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 May 2010, 09:50
by Toff
Correct Mike. Your "standard loading" is what I referred to as "brute force". I'm not sure what your cranks are made of, but it is widely accepted that 7075 Aluminium (which is what Campagnolo made their cranks from) is not a particularly suitable material for cranks due to its (relatively) poor fatigue resistance. I would suspect that since your Nervar cranks are from the same time period, they are likely to be made of a similar material.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 May 2010, 15:15
by mikesbytes
I've been thinking for a while of getting some new cranks for my track bike and that would mean that the existing cranks would be available for the fixie.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 May 2010, 17:12
by Toff
You might have to do it now!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 May 2010, 19:21
by mikesbytes
Decisions decisions decisions

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 May 2010, 15:47
by yewenyi

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 May 2010, 16:36
by Eleri
I want to ride my bicycle:
That clip is where Glee meets critical mass!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 May 2010, 19:14
by orphic
Oh, I am horrified. And don't get me started on Glee!

That is surely an embarrassment for trials riders...

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 11:18
by timyone
hey evans is number one thanx to drugs :D
i mean because the other guy was kicked out of the spot of course...

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 13:57
by timyone
hey we finally got rid of some of those annoying sticky threads at the top of this! nice work who ever it is that did that, i dont actually know what was in any of them, as i dont read them, but yeah, its easier to get to the readable ones! im more likely to read one of these that has had some thing said in it any way :D

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 17:11
by weiyun
but yeah, its easier to get to the readable ones! im more likely to read one of these that has had some thing said in it any way :D
You can learn to use that "View unread posts" and "View new posts" links at the top right corner of each page. Save them in your bookmark and you'll never have trouble getting to all the active threads ever again.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 21:31
by timyone
learn hey... hmmnn perhaps i should learn about when i should and shouldnt post in every thread i see, arguing with people etc... hmmnnn

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 18:31
by yewenyi

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 21:46
by Toff

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 10:18
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 11:46
by mikesbytes
Rear wheel steering, it will never take off

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 12:18
by othy

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 14:40
by Toff
Cool a fixte mixte! :mrgreen:

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 16:14
by timyone
Rear wheel steering, it will never take off
expensive tyres, i doubt youd go through many though, the spokes are probably more an issue

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 13:12
by yewenyi

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 19:55
by Rainbow

Yewenyi, this is incredible! They must truely have had a lot of crashes!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 18:46
by mikesbytes
Must take quite a bit of effort to achieve this hair style


Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jun 2010, 11:30
by Terry
Must take quite a bit of effort to achieve this hair style

Lots of cartoons suggest that you can achieve this look by simply sticking your finger in an electrical socket.....not much good for those with a weak heart though I beleive. :lol:

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jun 2010, 13:00
by yewenyi

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jun 2010, 13:42
by timyone
contador for me then :D

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jun 2010, 18:30
by yewenyi
it was cadel for me.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 09:09
by Karzie
Hahaha.... Andy Schleck for me...

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 20:00
by Eleri
My man was Christian Vande Velde and then I re-evaluated and ended up with Cadel

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 13:23
by timyone ... r_embedded

some tricks on a road bike, as in going throuhg a beach and through some mountain bike stuff

BikeRadar article. ... bike-26614

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 19:01
by yewenyi
Your other bicycle can be a Porsche GT3!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 14:29
by simon.sharwood
I got wind yesterday of a development application regarding the adult bookshop next to the Marrickville Rd. Cafe. Seems they're trying to upgrade into (ahem) personal services.

DA # DA201000252 in case you want to make a comment.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 15:24
by shrubb face
hmm dont order a BLT at the cafe

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 18:40
by mikesbytes
Sneak preview of the next DHBC club uniform


Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 08:27
by mikesbytes

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 00:15
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 12:03
by shrubb face

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 12:13
by mikesbytes

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 21:23
by Karzie
That's in Cuba. It's a bus, called a GuaGua (or a 'Camelo'), that's made out of 3 shipping containers and pulled by a Prime Mover. Everyone rides bikes!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:22
by mikesbytes
For those of you who don't understand me


Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 17:41
by G
Sneak preview of the next DHBC club uniform


Would love to wear this design jersey!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 17:45
by G
Wow man... that reminded me of circa 1995 when I used to ride bicycle on a highway hanging behind a truck. My dad told me he also used to do the same when he was a kid.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 09:56
by simon.sharwood

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 10:52
by Toff
Should read.

If "I am fixed, I am broke!" judging by the look of most of the riders I see.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:05
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:08
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:11
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:13
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:14
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:15
by mikesbytes
Is that for real??? Now that's censorship :wink:

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:17
by timyone
lol i think its saying justin beiber is a girl (is tthat him or did i not get the joke?

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:17
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:23
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:33
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:40
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:41
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:46
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:48
by timyone
ImageThis one is similar to my thought process..

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:51
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 20:20
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 20:26
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 20:33
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 11:54
by yewenyi
Don't you just love the gorilla knitters!

Here is a bike for the family: ... 179455963/

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 12:21
by Toff
Well of course, if you are a supporter of the French football team, you need to have your Gallic Rooster, which is a national symbol of France. You will notice that the man is wearing a "Le coq sportif" jacket. The Gallic rooster is the basis of the company's logo which is also a sponsor of the French football team. Here is the French football logo:Image

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 17:18
by T-Bone
You will notice that the man is wearing a "Le coq sportif" jacket.
Looks like Adidas to me. It's the French Jersey from the 2006 World Cup.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 17:28
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 17:36
by Toff
Looks like Adidas to me. It's the French Jersey from the 2006 World Cup.
So it is... Saw the rooster on it, and assumed it was le coq sportif. Shows how similar the logos are.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 13:05
by yewenyi
SydneyCycleways Bikes needed for public sculpture!

The Bike Bike is a large-scale (up to 12 metres tall) sculpture to be created as part of Art & About Sydney 2010. Pre-loved bicycles of all shapes and sizes are now required for the project. If you have any old, unused bicycles or parts that you're willing to give away or trade in, ple...ase contact Sonia – 0424 399 634 or

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 15:55
by timyone
lol im glad to get rid of that thread about kit orders :D but did it need its own section when we still dont have a for sale?

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 17:21
by T-Bone
It's temporary Tim, until the new website is up.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 17:24
by weiyun
lol im glad to get rid of that thread about kit orders :D but did it need its own section when we still dont have a for sale?
Tim, your obsession with a thread that can easily be ignored is worrying. Psychiatrist time?

How about lending a hand and time to our club's apparel process? Care to take over? :wink:

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 18:52
by timyone
obsession? i have ignored it and not been into it since a long time ago, i do the same with any of the threads that require a list :) im just expressing my joy that its now not at the top of a section i read :D and i can ignore the whole thing :D

Lol you want me to? can i change companies? (to one of the ones that doesnt take 6 months to order from) take the process off line (instead using a form that people can fill in), and avoid ever talking to you about it Weiyun? if so ill consider it :) I may even consider bringing out my own priate version of them and see if any one notices :)

But yeah, you may be right weiyun, i may need a psychologist, that post i put there was pretty obsessive, looks like i put a lot of thought into all those ten words about how happy i was that it was gone.

?!?!!!! who put a max smilie limit on our posts!!!!!!!!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 18:52
by timyone
There is a limit of 5 smilies on our posts?!!! now heres an issue id like to take control of for the club, who has done this?!!!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 18:53
by timyone
It's temporary Tim, until the new website is up.
lol no probs :D :) :roll: :shock:
(using my quota)

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 18:57
by timyone
and i do realise that a lot of effort goes into it all, the system just does my head in, and i choose not to buy from it :) So sorry if ive offended any one that has put a lot of effort in :)

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 22:09
by weiyun
Lol you want me to? can i change companies? (to one of the ones that doesnt take 6 months to order from) take the process off line (instead using a form that people can fill in), and avoid ever talking to you about it Weiyun? if so ill consider it :) I may even consider bringing out my own priate version of them and see if any one notices :)
You are welcome to put a system together that works for all involved and a timeline that you can commit. It's easy to be critical when sitting on the side line.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 23:05
by timyone
You are welcome to put a system together that works for all involved and a timeline that you can commit. It's easy to be critical when sitting on the side line.
oh cool, no probs, ill check it all out. Im surprised your so happy to hand it over :)

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 09:46
by timyone
ive just heard bits about this new web site, about changes etc, so am happy with what it sounds like it could be like! nice job Stuart! Ill wait and see all that stuff first before itry any corperate take overs!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 11:34
by Stuart
[mod] Weiyun & Tim - I'm sure this is all a bit of fun but lets keep the posts here in the spirit of the forum please. If you want to really discuss issues like the Club Kit Order Process, please take it off line. Thanks! [/mod]

FYI everybody - The new website design is set to include an automated ordering and payment system for club kit. Somebody still has to do all the hard yards of setting up the orders, liaising with suppliers, fulfilling orders etc but there will be no need for a thread in the forum to accomplish the initial order piece or keeping stock levels current.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 11:56
by weiyun
FYI everybody - The new website design is set to include an automated ordering and payment system for club kit. Somebody still has to do all the hard yards of setting up the orders, liaising with suppliers, fulfilling orders etc but there will be no need for a thread in the forum to accomplish the initial order piece or keeping stock levels current.
That sounds good. But what's the specific design? It would be worthwhile to carefully cross consider the planned order/distribution process with known practical issues and experiences, or a plonked down IT system may not work at the human interface.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 14:23
by Stuart
That sounds good. But what's the specific design? It would be worthwhile to carefully cross consider the planned order/distribution process with known practical issues and experiences, or a plonked down IT system may not work at the human interface.
Weiyun - lets talk about this off-line. I value your input here as you've done such a heap of work to get us to where we are now. BTW, the design will be up for comment before it goes live.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 16:21
by Stuart

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 12:30
by timyone
[mod] Weiyun & Tim - I'm sure this is all a bit of fun but lets keep the posts here in the spirit of the forum please. If you want to really discuss issues like the Club Kit Order Process, please take it off line. Thanks! [/mod]

FYI everybody - The new website design is set to include an automated ordering and payment system for club kit. Somebody still has to do all the hard yards of setting up the orders, liaising with suppliers, fulfilling orders etc but there will be no need for a thread in the forum to accomplish the initial order piece or keeping stock levels current.
no probs, sorry :D
Yeah it still sounds like your doing an amazing job with it Stuart! this computer stuff can be so advanced hey!

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 12:32
by timyone
What do McDonalds, and Australia have in common? They are both run by red headed clowns :)
Lol sorry thats not even funny, but its the only gillard joke i can remember off the top of my head

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 13:55
by timyone

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 19:19
by mikesbytes
Do you think we could convince Bont to do a DHBC order?

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 23:40
by timyone
lol!! how many people want bonts? i already have some :P

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 11:47
by Stuart
The latest in Penny's


Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 11:56
by G
The latest in Penny's

Haa haa! Nothing sexy than a smugglette on p/f

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 12:19
by timyone
nice breaks

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 12:59
by christian
There was someone with a penny very similar to that one down in Evandale. It had a free wheel, thus the need for brakes. And its a bikini not a smugglette, you'll find the bikini predates the whole branding you love by a long time G.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 14:13
by G
There was someone with a penny very similar to that one down in Evandale. It had a free wheel, thus the need for brakes. And its a bikini not a smugglette, you'll find the bikini predates the whole branding you love by a long time G.
men's swimmers = budgie smuggler
women's swimmers = smugglette.
sexually attractive = sexy's not about branding, these are common Aussie slangs.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 14:53
by christian
You find me the reference where "smugglette" is Australian slang and not a marketing brand. I had never heard the term before you mentioned it.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 15:17
by G
You find me the reference where "smugglette" is Australian slang and not a marketing brand. I had never heard the term before you mentioned it.
You certainly haven't heard all the Aussie slangs, and slangs don't necessarily have dictionary references. Also, slangs may appear in marketing brands, eg.. "Hard yakka" and that does not mean yakka is no longer a slang.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 15:37
by mikesbytes
The front wheel is the same one as James C's unicycle

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 19:27
by Karzie
I saw a guy riding something very similar in Olympic Park on my way to work one morning. He didn't want to make conversation, so didn't find out it's provenance.

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jul 2010, 08:53
by jimmy
The front wheel is the same one as James C's unicycle
Well spotted mike. I suspected that it is a Coker wheel from the picture.

In response to the slang vs marketing. You can run into situations where a brand enters the common lexicon. The modern example is "Google it". The term Yakka is an aboriginal word from the Brisbane Area, and means Hard Work, the slang term pre-dates the clothing brand.

However, I haven't heard the term Smugglette (or however it is spelt). To me the term Budgie Smugglers is generic and covers the type of swimwear. I suspect that again, the term pre-dates the brand.


Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jul 2010, 09:36
by mikesbytes

Re: Nonbikerelated talking thread. (nsfw)

Posted: 15 Jul 2010, 10:01
by christian
Thats awesome, I'm tempted to buy the book. ... ou-are-Fat