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Finally downloaded Paris-Roubaix

Posted: 17 May 2007, 00:37
by T-Bone
Well, i've finally finished downloading Paris-Roubaix. Quality is good enough. The only problem is it's all French, so i'll have to start learning, but i think i've only downloaded the learn German stuff so far.

Anyway, i'll put it on DVD and it can be passed around to whoever wants to watch it.

Posted: 17 May 2007, 07:52
by jimmy
I have tried to get the copy I downloaded onto DVD, so that it is viewable by any DVD player.

Last attempt was started on a Tuesday, and on Friday morning it crashed.

I will have another go sometime soon.


Posted: 17 May 2007, 09:12
by FAswad
would greatly appreciate the opportunity to make a copy of the PR DVD.

Posted: 17 May 2007, 09:22
by mikesbytes
Me too, I'd appreciate borrowing it too.

Posted: 17 May 2007, 10:22
by Damian
I found having the Cyclingnews blow by blow report open at the same time very helpful. ... 7/?id=live