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Heffron 31.05.08

Posted: 31 May 2008, 18:22
by Adrian E
Today at Heffron there was Huw, Matt and myself racing. Huw and Matt did very well getting first and third in C grade. There was a very early get away on the first lap so it was quite an amazing race for both of them to stay out in front of the bunch for so long.

I rode in D grade had a disaster. Just before the race I had a flat and missed the first two laps. I was told that I wasn't allowed to part in the spirit so I ended up riding on the front of D grade for almost the entire race then rolled through in the sprint 5th. A good training ride but a big disappointment not to be part of it.

Re: Heffron 31.05.08

Posted: 31 May 2008, 21:01
by Simon Llewellyn
Huw and Matt did very well getting first and third in C grade
While I'm off conditioning for Wagga at the Sydney roads with the A open boys you guys are riding C grade? Gees that's not going to help ease the suffering next weekend but I guess you could say your protecting your handicaps? AL will be happy... :wink:

Re: Heffron 31.05.08

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 10:56
by wallman
While I'm off conditioning for Wagga at the Sydney roads with the A open boys you guys are riding C grade? Gees that's not going to help ease the suffering next weekend but I guess you could say your protecting your handicaps? AL will be happy... :wink:
We were conditioning for Wagga, but for the crit day not the handicap!

As Adrian said it was a tough day out. Huw latched on to the breakaway from the get go whereas I sat back thinking the bunch might make some sort of effort. They didn't though so I went away the next lap and did almost the whole race solo.

You know how you hear people say that they "busted their arse" to do something really tough? Well I think I may have actually busted my arse to get third yesterday. Suffice to say my nether regions were very happy it was bucketing down this morning and I didn't get back on the bike.

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 11:24
by Adrian E
Simon et al., I'm not sure if I busted my arse but I really busted my legs yesterday. I was just so pissed off about flating I rode like a madman.
Woke up cramped and fluey, so I did my training in the spa and sauna of Ian Thorpe aquatic centre this morning. :D

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 12:38
by Huw
I enjoyed yesterday's race a lot. OK, so winning $40 helps, but moreover it was an interesting learning experience which, for the first half of the race, I didn't necessarily expect to profit from.

There was a southerly blowing, making for a quick run up through the pimples, and a fairly laboured ride down the straight. As Matt said, a Randwick-Botany rider hit out coming out of the squircle in the first lap. I stayed on his wheel, and after breezing over the first pimple, looked back and saw a gap of 30-40 m on the bunch, and he didn't look like slowing down. In fact it was looking distinctly like he was working for a breakaway. I was unimpressed. I'd been home with a virus for the last three days, and was hoping just to have a good ride to get the juices flowing (or stopped, if you know what I mean). So, I made my excuses to him early, but he suggested hanging on to see what happened. I figured the bunch would hang us out to dry, then reel us back in sometime. Hopefully they'd do it with a few laps to spare that we might find some legs for the finish. Who knows? Anyway, I'd never been in this situation before, and decided that no matter what happened, it would be a good experience.

"What is Adrian doing?!" I thought, as we passed the start, and I looked over to see him messing around with his bike. There were lots of people in the park on the sportsfields, and early reports that some kids had smashed glass on the track.

We continued with regular swapping of efforts, and managed to put more distance on the bunch over the next lap. This suggested that the main bunch weren't working well together. Matt knew this and went off the front to bridge the gap - cutting our lead down substantially. But the wind down the straight was the killer that day, and while us two in the break were swapping the effort three or so times down the straight, Matt was pushing the whole distance on his own.

As the laps went by, we put distance on Matt. The main bunch was totally blown apart as far as I could tell. We were putting laps on some of the other C-grade starters by lap 10. By lap 12, Rocky was telling us two to expect a visit to the controle immediately after the race.

I led the Randwick-Botany rider into the straight for the finish. Not where I wanted to be, but good for him - he wasn't going to swap now. I now eased in anticipation of a big sprint finish, and noticed that by looking down to the ground on the left, I could see his shadow. He was sitting squarely in his saddle, 250 m to go. That wouldn't last for long, I thought, and just watched his shadow until I saw him lift out of the saddle, then I was ready to go too. I realise now that I barely looked down the straight at all - I just stared at our two shadows on the ground, lifting the pace until I saw him melt away.

Big congrats to Matt on his hard earned third. He saw the writing on the wall and took the chance to attempt to bridge the substantial gap. Matt, I hope your bum sorts itself out quick!

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 14:13
by Adrian E
Funny you should mention the kids breaking glass. On my first warm up lap I saw two kids throwing large sticks on the track. I picked them up and threw the sticks back at them and told they'd be going up their arse if they did it again (as they were giggling hiding behind the trees).

Perhaps I got some bad karma?

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 20:48
by timyone
man i love it how packs dont want to put in the effort to bring back break away;s! (it sux for my style of riding though :P)

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 23:32
by geoff m
Well done guys, this is a great club result!!!

That means some possible B Graders! At least for you Huw.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 10:21
by mikesbytes
Congratulations Guys.

Huw, this is your second C grade win?

Matt, how does C grade compare with D grade?

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 14:12
by wallman
Matt, how does C grade compare with D grade?
Very hard to say given that I rode 12 of the 14 laps alone, but that should tell you plenty in itself. I think the field was pretty thin because of the Road Championships out west, but with that said I was a bit insulted that they didn't bump me up to B on the spot. Maybe it's time to shave my legs?

Pics are up though. Here's Huw looking pretty chuffed that his new wheels slotted him into the break straight away and me looking thankful that it's all over and I'm still capable of standing upright:


Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 14:31
by mikesbytes
So you didn't wear my jersey. Didn't know you were taller than Huw.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 14:40
by weiyun
Amazing results! :D

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 15:56
by wallman
So you didn't wear my jersey. Didn't know you were taller than Huw.
I actually had your jersey in my bag just in case you showed up! When you didn't I figured I'd give it to you Sunday which meant I needed to keep it clean so I went around in the yellow. As it's turned out it rained Sunday and I'm going to Wagga Wagga next weekend. Do you mind if I wear it out there? I'm DHBC jersey-less otherwise.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 16:01
by mikesbytes
I actually had your jersey in my bag just in case you showed up! When you didn't I figured I'd give it to you Sunday which meant I needed to keep it clean so I went around in the yellow. As it's turned out it rained Sunday and I'm going to Wagga Wagga next weekend. Do you mind if I wear it out there? I'm DHBC jersey-less otherwise.
It was a good ride on Sunday morning !

That's OK, you can keep it for Wagga, but I expect to see it on the Podium :) . I can roll by your place on the way home one day next week.