Greetings from Hungary

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Posts: 85
Joined: 25 Apr 2007, 13:23
Location: Marrickville

Postby Stretch » 25 Sep 2008, 06:04

Cheryl will be ready for Saturday Slowies after the hilly 3hr ride over cobble stones in Budapest today. We even managed not to run over the guys from Coldplay as we crossed the Chain Bridge. The motorists here give cyclists a lot of room, even though there's probably as much traffic as Sydney CBD. Bikes and pedestrians share some paths and there's separate bike traffic lights at some intersections.
c u all soon

Posts: 43
Joined: 23 Nov 2006, 05:10

Postby kevinllewellyn » 25 Sep 2008, 07:40

Hi Cheryl, Kevin has just allowed me into the Dulwich Hill thing so that I can send you a little message. Good to hear about the cycling. As Stretch says, you will be able to join the slowies! Sounds as though you're getting around over there. When will you be back? I'm on two weeks holidays at present. Have nearly had one week. I'm off to Manly to stay with my sister in law this weekend and to the mountains to stay with a friend next weekend, not quite Budapest, but its a nice change for the moment. See you soon. Hope Lincoln, Carolyn and baby are doing well.


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