Training chit chats thread... Revelations, plans, logs etc

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Postby timyone » 28 Jun 2009, 21:15

todays training was a nice little ride to waterfall, i feel that as the fast group we should ride faster out there :D i also feel that it is not important to win the mad mile... totally not too slow to get to it.. planned.. totally..

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Postby T-Bone » 29 Jun 2009, 00:38

I believe we are called the fast group so people aren't allowed to complain too much about the pace. No obligation whatsover to go fast, but if you're on the front and going too slow, the attacks will come!!

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Postby timyone » 29 Jun 2009, 09:42

ok im taking advice of other people, and instead of going for a ride which i wanted to this morning, and doubling over tonight, i slept in, and did planking side planking and push ups. I I want to be smooth behind the motor bike, and wondering if this will help.

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Postby mikesbytes » 29 Jun 2009, 22:59

If the fast bunch is riding too slowly then ride off the front

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Postby timyone » 30 Jun 2009, 10:54

Ok today I tried my first attempt at sitting hills, and it hurts differently!
I'm a little bit worried about losing speed, but I've been assured that you need the strength.
I was totally hungry by the end. So yeah, I've been trying to work out how to tune my training
Down from just lotsa riding, and I need to teach my self to go all out, I still conserve energy too m
Uch for the track, but yeah this could be the first step.

About the riding off the front bit, I reckon I'd last a km then get caught then dropped.
This may also just split the bunch, and confuse people, I've seen simon do it.

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Postby timyone » 03 Jul 2009, 07:36

My life is seriously sleep eat train work train.
I'm feeling like a race horse, if I break a leg I might have my self put down!

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 Jul 2009, 08:26

Sleep eat train work train

What more do you want in life ?

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Postby timyone » 03 Jul 2009, 08:37

Lol dunno but I think I've lost it.

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Postby weiyun » 03 Jul 2009, 08:42

To shoot you, you'll have to move to 'sleep eat train' stage. Train is work if you are truly dedicated and shouldn't get interruption from that other kind of "work".

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Postby timyone » 06 Jul 2009, 12:44

Today me and kiwi amy did waterfall, we both missed it yesterday, I played touch then did top weights instead.
Life was all good until we decided to go down and do the waterfall bit of the national park instead,
It was about 8 degrees up on the road according to the tradies sign, but once we headed down the
Hill, it seriously dropped to who knows what! My face was numb and amy wasn't wearing fingered gloves!
We both stopped and nearly fell over at the bottom! And it turned out amy had a flat! She had made it through those corners
With it! So yeah, in our frozen state we proceeded to change her tyre! She had to swap gloves
With me so that she could try and get feeling back! But yeah we eventually got it done, and headed back up the hill.

I now had her gloves on, and seriously it hurt it was that cold! My whole body was feeling funny, and I wasn't feeling normal!
When we go to the top where it felt like a lot of degrees warmer, I stopped and seriously nearly fainted!
I don't know what caused it, it could have actually been dehydration, but my whole body was hurting,
Stomach sick, like when you are going to faint, and my head was going! I've seriously never had any thing like it!
I was going to throw up too! (Which makes me think water) but yeah, had some eater, thawed out on the
Grass, and went home. Had coffee at the nice little cafe in tempe at the plant shop at the round about on the left.

So yeah, I think my body is eather soft, or I needed more water. Crazy.
On the amy point though, she cruised the whole thing with me, doing heaps on the front!
I don't know when she got so fit!

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Postby timyone » 06 Jul 2009, 12:45

Ok I used my phone to write that, I think I should skip pressing enter.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jul 2009, 14:56

Sounded like you went hypothermic. Nasty!

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Postby Trouty » 06 Jul 2009, 15:15

On the amy point though, she cruised the whole thing with me, doing heaps on the front!
I don't know when she got so fit![/quote]

Yeah...I don't know what happened to her either. I go away for a month and suddenly she starts riding with the middies and not even feeling tired. I used to be able to beat her once apon a time. Not that I am a sore loser, ....but it has to be the ROIDS!!!! Amy...whatever you are having, I'll have some too thanks.
Last edited by Trouty on 06 Jul 2009, 15:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jul 2009, 15:16

It's obviously the RED Bianchi factor!

Reds goes faster.

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Postby MarkL » 06 Jul 2009, 20:57

Maybe it's secret training?
Jo, you may have to 'double dose' to catch fast Amy :o
Hey Tim, do you have a rest day in your training schedule?

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Postby timyone » 06 Jul 2009, 21:23

Maybe it's secret training?
Jo, you may have to 'double dose' to catch fast Amy :o
Hey Tim, do you have a rest day in your training schedule?
yes... though this week i played touch football and did weights on it :D

my rest days get forced upon me, some times its saturday, some times thursday etc

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Postby mikesbytes » 06 Jul 2009, 22:48

No ROID's trouty, Amy's getting ready for Australia vs NZ

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Postby orphic » 08 Jul 2009, 12:52

I did a solo hill ride in the wet yesterday, that was interesting. Kind of boring though.

My knee became swollen yesterday (more particularly, a lump is growing out of it and I am sure it's going to develop facial features and start talking to me soon enough).

It's not really hurting (although I think my knee always has some kind of base line of pain that comes and goes over time). I didn't ride this morning, but if I can get out of work I might give track a go tonight and see how it feels.

I suppose I should see a doctor or something, but I don't really have time at the moment :(

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Postby timyone » 08 Jul 2009, 16:38

:( really? hat sux :S knee things suck so bad hey!!!
man go strait to a dr! you did a solo hill ride? you should have told me, i could have come!! (yes i realise then it wouldnt be solo :P

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Postby orphic » 08 Jul 2009, 16:48

I might go to a Dr tomorrow. I'll see what happens over night.

My hill ride wasn't very exciting. I didn't want to venture too far in case the rain started up again. I was trying to push high gears and that's probably what busted my knee.

Besides, you know how I feel about being spoken to while climbing ;)

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Postby timyone » 08 Jul 2009, 17:09

true... maybe no hill rides with you. i skipped training instead though :S and would have gone :P
man hills in big gears are the worst for knees!!!

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Jul 2009, 23:28

I felt a bit smashed today, might of been the 2 1/2 hours I did on an indoor spin bike yesterday

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Postby timyone » 13 Jul 2009, 12:15

man ive seriously lost motivation, and feel slow as!!
Today me and little alex (as apposed to big alex, who is big and seriously a power house in a windy sprint!!(not that little alex isnt good in a sprint, but big alex has it as a total strong point, i havent actually compared them into the wind, we might have to have a windy sprint off to compare)) went on a little ride to waterfall, as we both skipped it yesterday :( though he did some heart rates! so it was just me that has hardly been on a bike!

And yeah, we went down to the national park as well, dispite my cold adventure last week with Amy! (hang on maybe we should have invited amy...) but yes, either way, we went on a ride, and did some hills in it too. And i seriously feel slow as!! it was a nice ride, and Ale didnt mind too much waiting for me on hills, but yeah, just not feeling like its getting any where etc.

On the other hand, my cross training in the swing dancing is going off!! seriously you lot have to try it!! im only doing beginner, but man its fun as! its not actually that much excercise, we need to get to intermediate for that i think, but yeah, totally social way of doing stuff!!! nice break from being on a bike :D

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Postby timyone » 14 Jul 2009, 10:10

ok. So as it turns out, amy was readin yesterdays thread and also wanted to do a national park ride, and though i was supposed to be off to calga for some time trial practice with little alex, that fell through as he is off to the park with his beautiful girl friend yana, i was free for some national park action :D this though, when added onto last nights track training, didnt have me pumped at all, so Amy settled for just riding to waterfall.
Our ride was nice, and we got our average speed to about 30 (yes we were watching it go up and down :D and it died when we got stuck in trafic in tempe?! it ended about 29.6?!?! seriously it was 30 in brighton?!!)
So we fulfilled our aim of being about a middies pace :D

Today i may be off to Scotish georges house for a look at his computer riding to the real race machine. I think there is another name for it, but dont know why they wouldnt want to use my name for it :D its a trainer, with the screen in front of you, and gets harder and easier like the real thing, you go and do all the real road races etc etc etc :D sounds crazy! dunno how good my legs are feeling, but if i dont, i have to do rollers tonight :( and i wanted to do weights after my swing class..

(and yes im still going through my midlife crisis with work and riding and every thing?! i feel like seriously the slowest most some thing or other rider in the world?! i think i either need to get out and beat some one in some thing, or ride my fixie bike :D i dont know if every one owns one, but it really is the greatest thing in the world?!!!)

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Postby timyone » 15 Jul 2009, 21:45

man this week ive done bits of doubling over, and more km's than ive needed hey, did natio monday, track monday night, waterfall tuesday, a heap of racing around for the fun of it tuesday night (some fast stuff!), today a 40 km ride in the morning with Alex, that had some sprinting up hills and sprint intervals in big gears, then track tonight, which had some longer stuff then a kilo! man thats some where around 300km by wednesday (starting monday).

Tomorrow off, then racing friday saturday and sunday, at raw, then heffron then our crit! i may not be fast but its a bit of experience :D

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Postby timyone » 19 Jul 2009, 18:31

Hey I did a 500km week, it had the 2 waterfalls, one was a national park, and today alex and me came up and did the calga time trial course after the morning crit.
Crazy hey! I meant for this to be a cruisy week with a lot of racing, and we tried the time trial course at race sorta pace though we were smashed to start. Alex was around 1:20 I was around 1:23 we will have aero bars and more rest for the real one so hopefully a lot faster :)

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Postby shrubb face » 19 Jul 2009, 21:01

Today hurt. I sore.

Thats all ive got the energy to say.

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Postby mikesbytes » 19 Jul 2009, 21:13

A week off the bike, I should be totally recharged, if only I didn't have to recover from the skiing :(

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Postby timyone » 20 Jul 2009, 00:02

Today hurt. I sore.

Thats all ive got the energy to say.
up for waterfall tomorrow and the next day? good warm down :)

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Postby weiyun » 20 Jul 2009, 00:12

A week off the bike, I should be totally recharged, if only I didn't have to recover from the skiing :(
You are very lucky to get so much snow fall in July! I have been such a long time cynic on advanced booking for July school holidays that I got ice on my face this year. :twisted:

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Postby mikesbytes » 20 Jul 2009, 00:17

You are very lucky to get so much snow fall in July! I have been such a long time cynic on advanced booking for July school holidays that I got ice on my face this year. :twisted:
I went to Mt Baw Baw in Victoria. I think the snow is a little bit more reliable in Vic than NSW.

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Postby timyone » 20 Jul 2009, 21:22

one of those forced days off :P
absolutely running out of energy from not enough food, and suger lows yesterday stuffed me for today :(

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Postby weiyun » 20 Jul 2009, 21:37

one of those forced days off :P
absolutely running out of energy from not enough food, and suger lows yesterday stuffed me for today :(
A bit of blood dope at work would have fixed your lack of "energy". ;)

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Postby timyone » 20 Jul 2009, 21:38

well red cells could work, if i just save my self a couple of bags of my own red cells,no plasma or platelets, would that help at all?

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Postby christian » 20 Jul 2009, 21:54

You do realise thats not legal.

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Postby timyone » 20 Jul 2009, 22:09

would it even help?

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Postby MarkL » 21 Jul 2009, 00:14

[quote]Today hurt. I sore.

Thats all ive got the energy to say.[quote]

Ouch, sounds painful shrubb face :o

Amy and l had a good hard not so secret secret training ride yesterday to Waterfall. There was very little wind and we pushed along for a good average ( ~30kph )to be back at Marrickville by 9:20 which I can still feel in my legs now. I even had time for a sleep before going to work :o
We missed you timyone but the rest will do you good :wink:

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Postby Trouty » 21 Jul 2009, 07:27

Amy and l had a good hard not so secret secret training ride yesterday to Waterfall. There was very little wind and we pushed along for a good average ( ~30kph )to be back at Marrickville by 9:20 which I can still feel in my legs now.
No wonder Aims is kicking ass !! Private coaching from Mark L and not so secret training. Sounded like a nice fast ride @ 30kph, especially with just the 2 of you....I can feel your legs hurt!

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Postby MarkL » 26 Jul 2009, 00:05

No wonder Aims is kicking ass !! Private coaching from Mark L and not so secret training. Sounded like a nice fast ride @ 30kph, especially with just the 2 of you....I can feel your legs hurt!
My muscles were tender, two days off the bike and a massage had them feeling better. Did an easy ride to Kurnell on Thursday and felt good :D

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Postby timyone » 28 Jul 2009, 10:40

Ok. After 3 attempts, one sleep in, one time at the wrong spot, I made it to colluzi the hardcore training ride that had the car stop in front of them involving ben kirstin.

And yeah it wasn't that amazing, there were some fast bits, and me and ben had to catch them after we didn't make it onto the back of a red light they all went through at the start, but yeah, its not as amazing as I hoped. There sure are a lot of A graders there though.
So ill try and keewp going, as it was a nice 60km and with the rest of the day ill have 80.

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Postby timyone » 01 Aug 2009, 17:36

hey today i did the saturday coluzi! its pretty much waterfall, maybe a bit faster, and a different way there. but yeah, they were pretty fast from waterfall to sutherland. They totally slowed down for the bit before though?! thats where i wanted to speed up! bit windy though.

But yeah, then i raced hefron B grade, i just sat on the back in the sprint though, i was hoping big barry would take me to the front! he didnt :D

and then i went for a little ride with this new dulwich rider :D hes an ex mountain biker, that came second in c grade today :D

over all about 175km today.

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Postby timyone » 02 Aug 2009, 13:41

ok, after time trial today i did an hour on the rollers, i dont know how far, but im assuming between i did about 30-50km. so yeah, with the 95 this morning, its about 130 or so, so yeah 300 for the weekend :)

This week i cant do track, and not starting work till 12, so may try to do national park mon, wed and thursday, randwick hill ride tuesday. This may change though, so will see how i go, if ben wants to do some thing else ill go with that.

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Postby timyone » 04 Aug 2009, 15:28

Hey I had a day off today instead of hills, but might try national park fixie tomorrow morning

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Postby Trouty » 04 Aug 2009, 18:22

Hey I had a day off today instead of hills, but might try national park fixie tomorrow morning you ever occasionally just sit back and STOP? Just reading all the riding you are doing and it's exhausting. But I know you love it's all good. Your amazing. (I mean that in a good way not like a crush way!!)

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Postby shrubb face » 04 Aug 2009, 19:20 you ever occasionally just sit back and STOP? Just reading all the riding you are doing and it's exhausting. But I know you love it's all good. Your amazing. (I mean that in a good way not like a crush way!!)
*runs to the rumour mill*

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Postby timyone » 04 Aug 2009, 21:15

ok its not as definite now, im going for a morning ride too, so it might be a long day before work if i do both.

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Postby timyone » 05 Aug 2009, 09:12

man i did a little hill ride through the east this morning, and it turns out it was 70km, so i think ill skip the fixie national park, i may not even do the park, ill do waterfall though.

Im a bit worried about knees and that big hill in thye park.

actually it doesnt look like i have time for the park :(

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Postby Trouty » 05 Aug 2009, 11:41

*runs to the rumour mill*
Rumour mill is usually Camilla and Simon's domain so surprised they didn't jump on that opportunity before you Chubbsie.

Tim some how seems to make it into all the saucy rumours.

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Postby timyone » 05 Aug 2009, 11:51

Lol really? I wonder what the others are and with who...

On a riding note, my dream of a 700km week may happen! If I end up with 150 or so today, that's about 445 for the week so far, and I was thinking a morning ride tomorrow, and maybe then the national park or waterfall on the way to work, followed by maybe waterfall friday, and that would be maybe closer to 800!

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Postby Trouty » 05 Aug 2009, 14:58

Lol really? I wonder what the others are and with who...
Who knows what rumours will start about you if we do the mixed couples maddison at the Omnium this month.

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Postby timyone » 05 Aug 2009, 20:24

lol i was going to ask you if you would like to...

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Postby othy » 06 Aug 2009, 11:29

I have tomorrow off and no racing.

Are you up for a ride Tim? I was thinking of maybe RNP in the morning.

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Postby timyone » 06 Aug 2009, 11:33

I start work at 8:15 to 8:30 I think it is, at sutherland, I could the park with you and ditch you at sutherland if you like?

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Postby othy » 06 Aug 2009, 11:39

Ditching at Sutherland is fine. What time do you want to leave from Marrickville? 6.15am?

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Postby shrubb face » 06 Aug 2009, 13:35

Tim im thinking we do 250kms on sunday, without stopping. Grafton training.... Thoughts?

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Postby timyone » 06 Aug 2009, 19:44

Can we make it 6 just in case at mick mazzas?

Hey I know a few people interested in grafton training, they are hardcore lads, ill see if they are doing any thing, if not yeah, name the route. Blue mountains?

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Postby othy » 06 Aug 2009, 19:47

6 am at mick mazzas. I will see you there.

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Postby T-Bone » 07 Aug 2009, 00:10

My suggestion for your Grafton Training. Head south to Macquarie Pass, Up the climb, follow Illawarra Hwy to Hume Hwy, and back to Sydney. I'll probably be doing this at some point, but this weekend i'll be in Tamworth.

Anyway, Alex and Tim, are you both coming to Cootamundra???

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Postby timyone » 07 Aug 2009, 05:52

if its not too late to sign up for it, i want to do it.

I was told we could head down to woollongong, then up to the blue mountains, then back to sydney in some manner. Not sure of route, wasnt by a cyclist.

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Postby shrubb face » 07 Aug 2009, 07:13

Yea im in for cootamundra. Is it logistically possible to race raw and still race cootamundra the next day?

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Postby timyone » 07 Aug 2009, 10:00

Ok I don't think I will have reached my goal of 700 but reached 696 km or so, give or take some amount of km. I'm happy enough falling short :)

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Postby T-Bone » 07 Aug 2009, 10:10

Yeah, you can still race RAW and Cootamundra.

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Postby othy » 07 Aug 2009, 11:19

Good ride with Tim this morning. We went through RNP from the Loftus entrance. Having just checked my data, we did the Time trial course in 44:22 min, in the opposite direction, with what was arguably not a time trial like effort (we didn't draft either, and I had that 30 second stop on the first climb because I can't steer). Felt harder, with lots more gradual uphill between the climbs. Some of the parts I thought were 'flat' on Sunday were actually hills.

Makes me realise that I need to do some longer rides during the week. Recently my longest rides have been racing Heffron.

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Postby orphic » 07 Aug 2009, 11:27

All this talk makes me feel lazy. I essentially had three days off this week. I'm going back to hardcore next week.

Although I am a little put off right now. I accidentally put my computer/heart rate monitor through the wash this morning. It isn't happy.

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Postby othy » 07 Aug 2009, 13:47

I've also been training my food intake. I used to never be able to eat before a ride, but now I've been having breakfast before I leave. Energy levels and performance has improved since doing this, and not feeling as sick anymore

I also decided to try eating on the bike today, so as we were cruising out from Waterfall I ate a Leda bar. Its hard to eat on the bike. We were doing about 35 km/h, my HR was @ 140, so not working very hard. Even so it is difficult to chew, swallow and breathe at the same time. Tim, you really need to start training the food intake if you are going to do Grafton. Its harder then I thought it would be.

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Postby timyone » 10 Aug 2009, 16:38

Man I'm seriously having a bad week!! My motor bike is stuffed! Maybe needing new motor, may have to decide between it and nepal! Either way I'm a total push bike rider noiw?!! I'm walking home from mechanic after pushing my bike there! I'm wondering if I have enough money to quit job sell bike parts and ride around australia instead. I'm. Also thinking about quitting track and becomibg a long distance road cyclist!

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Postby timyone » 10 Aug 2009, 16:45

I'm leaving out non bike related stuff :p the rest sux too. On an up note, a lady just went past on a nice pink bike with a cool basket, I think ill get one of those, don't know where ill keep it though

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Postby timyone » 10 Aug 2009, 16:46

Oops this is training related, as it means ill be riding more, even if its on a pink bike in a nice hat.

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Postby mikesbytes » 10 Aug 2009, 21:23

quitting track
Now that's taking it too far.

Bummer about the [motor]bike - been there

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Postby Trouty » 10 Aug 2009, 22:36

I'm wondering if I have enough money to quit job sell bike parts and ride around australia instead. I'm. Also thinking about quitting track and becomibg a long distance road cyclist!
Seriously Timmy, you quitting track for long distance? What have you done to the real Timmy L? Simon: knock some sense into your brother.

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Postby timyone » 12 Aug 2009, 07:52

In a week I am now affectionately labeling budge week(with a few hills), in which every ride i have done seems to have been cut short or i have not finished! (even if it is only by half a lap on the motor pace :( ) (i have been informed that i need to have easier weeks in and amongst all the longer weeks by brownie though, so this week isn't a total write off in the weeks leading up to Grafton) have achieved a few small but milestone achievements, despite my leanings towards giving up in order to take up salsa and tango dancing to compliment my new swing dancing skills.

The first and perhaps biggest of these, was riding the Randwick hills ride with out a single girl passing me :D it seemed a bit that they were riding pretty fast between hills though, so there may not have been any girls left by the hills, though i don't know if there were any in the first place, this is still my biggest achievement. (in at least one of them i went from he back to the front, and in only one of them i burnt my self, after going to hard to start (it turns out penny farthing champ Patrick was on the front pushing the pace of them!)

My second and third achievements are standing up no hands, and almost being able to track stand at lights now :D I know all these seem like things that should either be easy, or that i haven't really passed them yet, as i cant actually track stand, but either way its a step up :D maybe its time for fixie polo :D

And the final achievement is that i did my first class of intermediate swing dancing :D and only half lost it :D if you lot had been there you would see how way out of my league i am :D

But yes :D I'm now also drinking 3 cups a day of coffee, and have added clubs that i can drink my coffee with to my repertoire.

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Postby othy » 20 Aug 2009, 18:56

January last year I took a 3 mile TT time in Centennial park. I did it in 9:30 (30.49km/h).

Today I went back and did it again, for a time of 7:41 (37.7 km/h). Little disappointed, but I went out way to hard to start with and died halfway through.

Both times were done with my work backpack from a standing start.

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Postby Adrian E » 20 Aug 2009, 19:33

Hey tim that is one massive step up. Well done.

I love TTing. I'm not sure what the distance is at centennial but I used to aim for sub6min laps. I'd do as many as I could (around 5-6 then die). Being on the north side I really miss not having anywhere to really go for it. I used to pop over to centenial at least three mornings a week. There are no really circuits where you can get a good training rhythm. Just lots of good hill climbs which arn't as fun.

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Postby othy » 20 Aug 2009, 20:02

I think Centennial park is around 3.7km, at bit shorter then the 3 mile I did. My lap time for the TT was 6:14. As I said, I went out way to fast and couldn't back it up. For the first 2 minutes i was at 45km/h+. Time trialing is something I need to get better at - I don't do enough of it.

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Postby weiyun » 20 Aug 2009, 20:22

Centennial is more commonly accepted as 3.8km for the main loop.

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Postby jimmy » 21 Aug 2009, 07:49

I did a ride yesterday at lunch, from work (just of Wentworth Ave), around the airport, and then West Botany Rd to Bestic and then onto Grand Parade, follow the normal route to Rocky Point Rd, then return down Sandringham, back through the airport tunnel (lots of fun), and then take the back road back to General Homles Drive, Botany Rd, and then Back to Wentworth Ave.

All up, just a shade over 30kms. Yesterday, I average 35.22km/hr, with a riding time of 52:22, I thought this was a record, only to find when entering it into my ride list that I had been pipped by 2 seconds.

Oh well, I'll have to try harder next time...


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Postby orphic » 21 Aug 2009, 08:27

Some guys I was training with for a bit time Centennial laps from a standing start. I only did it twice. I think the first time I did just under 7 minutes, the second 6:30 or something. Would be interesting to see what the time would be now. The stronger riders were doing sub 6 minutes. Pete McDonald does something stupid like 4:35. There's something to aim for.

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Postby mikesbytes » 21 Aug 2009, 08:31

I heard that the Record was 4:40

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Postby orphic » 21 Aug 2009, 08:36

I just checked, he did it in 4:38.

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Postby mikesbytes » 21 Aug 2009, 08:37

5:40 is around 40kph average speed. I'd hate to do the calcs on 4:38

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Postby orphic » 21 Aug 2009, 08:43

Then let me do it for you... 49.21kph.

I have problems holding that behind the motorbike at the track.

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Postby mikesbytes » 21 Aug 2009, 09:35

I could do that pace down the bottom of the park, but I've got no chance up the top.

Would like to go there one day when its closed with the track bike.

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Postby mikesbytes » 21 Aug 2009, 22:32

I'm going to set the CP time for no hands tomorrow morning

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Postby weiyun » 21 Aug 2009, 23:20

Would like to go there one day when its closed with the track bike.
You don't need brakes to ride CP, when early and quiet.

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Postby MarkL » 06 Sep 2009, 19:28

Sydney doesn't turn on the weather much better than it did today.

Michele, Amy and I rode to Austinmer for a coffee and toast before heading back to Bundeena for another coffee and snack. Michele caught the ferry to Cronulla while Amy and I were thinking more hills, we rode out via Audley.
I was brave enough to leave the leg warmers at home which was fine since it was refreshingly cool and not chilled to the bone in RNP.

Half-wit award goes to a guy in a ute that turned in front of Michele, she was on the front. Fortunately, Michele second guessed that he might take off and was prepared and avoided a collision :D

Amy is getting stronger by the week :shock: :shock:

It was a good long ride with hills, good average speed, great scenery and perfect weather :D

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Postby kiwiames » 06 Sep 2009, 20:18

Yes a great day and ride indeed. Total from Mick Mazzas was 163 km. (Return from home just under 170 km). The hills were testing, our avg was a tad over 26 kph.

My new Heart rate monitor is providing me with some very useful and some not-so-useful stats, its def a handy training tool.

RNP is def warmer than the last time i rode there and nearly froze my fingers off. Bring on summer and some more long rides! 8)

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Postby timyone » 06 Sep 2009, 20:56

far out!!
nice work people!! thats a massive cruise!! i wish i had been there! i slept all day instead :D
seriously amy time to start thinking road racing.

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Postby kiwiames » 06 Sep 2009, 22:04

yep theyre in my sights tim

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Postby Trouty » 07 Sep 2009, 06:40

yep theyre in my sights tim
I think Aims will be our first Elite womans rider (and first woman rider) to do really well in road and track events moving forward. DHBC has certainly come a long way in the last 3 years when there wasn't a girl in sight. GO AMY GO

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Postby othy » 14 Sep 2009, 19:04

Yesterdays Waterfall ride average speed from my home to the Servo - 36.7 km/h, then inclusive back to Bestic street - 36.2 km/h.

Doesn't really count for much as I had to change a flat 3 km from Waterfall and cut across the median to chase back on the bunch. Felt good though, I really think a speed run could be done much faster. Given that the run from Servo to Bestic was very "cruisy" :)

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Postby shrubb face » 14 Sep 2009, 21:14

Is that speed seriously correct? If so that means that the fixie average speed was very very quick...

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Postby weiyun » 14 Sep 2009, 21:29

There must have been a serious disturbance with the GPS constellation yesterday! Jo registered some 12km more than the rest of us on return to Marrickville and now Tim comes up with 36.7km/h for Waterfall. :shock:

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Postby othy » 14 Sep 2009, 21:32

It was pretty quick, from the time I started chasing to the sprint on the mad mile I averaged 47.5km/h. I was off the back of the sprint (not involved) but doing 62.91 just behind Simon on his fixed gear.

None of this includes stop times at lights etc, but does include any time slowing and getting back up to speed.

weiyun, I don't think any of the data looks unreasonable. My pull with James from the turn off at Dolls point all along Taren point road has us at 40km/h+, which is what we were doing. Will was also doing a super pace with the Randwick guys on the roads through Loftus to Engadine.

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Postby weiyun » 14 Sep 2009, 21:41

Impressive Tim! Maybe DoD didn't jiggle the GPS constellation in anticipation of a Tim Attack. :wink:

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Postby othy » 14 Sep 2009, 21:43

Oh and Alex, that attack up Capt Cook bridge on the way home peaked at 38.77km/h.

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Postby T-Bone » 14 Sep 2009, 23:37

My average was 34.7km/hr at sutherland, and then 34.3km/hr at Bestic, so i think those 36's are a bit out. We were going over 40 along Taren Point though.

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Postby othy » 15 Sep 2009, 08:36

Interesting. I just checked the calibrated rollout and it is 2088mm for my wheel. I measured ~2010, so it seems reasonable due to the auto calibration taken with my weight on the bike and associated compression of the wheel.

Next time we are riding we should match speed and compare numbers. My times & averages are usually the same as the reported ones for Heffron park.

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Postby mikesbytes » 15 Sep 2009, 08:53

time for A grade othy

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Postby timyone » 15 Sep 2009, 09:20

ok road life is over for now. Time for track training :) hoping to get alot faster on the track in the next bit.

But yeah, if i come to water fall i would like to try and see how fast we can go any way :)

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Postby timyone » 15 Sep 2009, 09:21

there were attacks at captain cook bridge on the way back?! klol things have changed :D

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