Altitude Training in Dulwich Hill

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Postby Dougie » 17 Jan 2011, 12:11

Hi All

I wandered past Fitness Local Dulwich Hill on Friday. I noticed they were advertising Altitude Training. I asked the receptionist for some details. Whilst she was most pleasant she really couldn't help beyond the below information.

It should be available from March.
It will be a high nitrogen environment.
There will be one "chamber". ( I saw the location, it will be a narrow portion of a workout room)
The Chamber will contain a bike, the nitrogen generators and the instructor.
She though the bike would be a spin bike similar to the type they have in the gym already, although she wasn't sure.
The lady told me that there would be quite strict rules around the chamber's use, although she couldn't tell what they were.

Details for anyone interested:
Fitness Local Dulwich Hill
Lvl 1 475 Marrickville rd (entry on Seaview St)
Dulwich Hill
9568 4301

I am not a member of this gym, nor do I have any affiliation with Fitness Local.



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Postby weiyun » 17 Jan 2011, 13:10

Gosh, gimmick to make money. An hour or a few hours a week will just help make the wallet lighter and nothing else. Without a sustained chronic stimulus (days to weeks), there won't be any worthwhile adaptation.

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Postby christian » 17 Jan 2011, 13:16

You can get devices where you wear a mask and it controls the amount of oxygen to simulate exercise at altitude. This is a far better option and you can just sit on a trainer at home and do it. But as Weiyun has said, it needs to be more then a few hours a week.

It may end up being cheaper to spend a week or two somewhere high enough, of which there is only one place in Australia.

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Postby weiyun » 17 Jan 2011, 13:25

It may end up being cheaper to spend a week or two somewhere high enough, of which there is only one place in Australia.
Unfortunately for Mt Kosciuszko at 2228m, it doesn't even reach the desired 2500m for serious altitude training. Oh well...

BTW, Perisher is only 1640m and Thredbo is 1365m. Jindabyne is even lower at below 1000m. It'll need a few cold weeks camped on the summit to get close to some benefits. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Postby christian » 17 Jan 2011, 13:42

Hill repeats of Mt Kosciuszko anyone. Surely it would do something, but may get boring and very painful after a while.

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Postby weiyun » 17 Jan 2011, 16:23

Hill repeats and staying warm is an important survival technique according to Will Ferrell. Better than death by hypothermia. "Man vs Wild"

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Postby mikesbytes » 17 Jan 2011, 21:47

NZ runners were camped out in the South Island, then they moved to US to train

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Postby Toff » 18 Jan 2011, 09:32

You could always take up smoking. That will lower your blood oxygen levels, and lung efficiency to give yoyu the same basic effect as altitude training. :mrgreen:

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Postby jbcow » 18 Jan 2011, 10:40

There are photos from the '20s or 30's showing le Tour riders sharing a smoke before a climb

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Postby rhys » 20 Jan 2011, 16:10

You could always take up smoking. That will lower your blood oxygen levels, and lung efficiency to give yoyu the same basic effect as altitude training. :mrgreen:
Was going to post this. Take up smoking/give up smoking.

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