Tidbinbilla Tracking Station Road Race Report - 19/05/12

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Postby T-Bone » 21 May 2012, 22:44

Stuck in Canberra for 5 weeks, and not wanting to ride in the freezing cold mornings, i had to find a solution. I thought the best thing to do for my first weekend in the Capital would be to test out the local club racing.


On Saturday, after a morning watching the tour of California, and with a nice sunny day, i jumped in the car to drive out to the Tidbinbilla Tracking Station (I decided it was too far for a warm up ride with my current form). The race was to be an 80km road race, but the question would be which grade i should enter. I was deciding between B and C, and really should have taken the easy way out, but i thought i would push myself a bit, and into B i went.

On the start line, my problems began. Only 6 had entered B grade, so we were combined with the 8 A graders, making a bunch that still had no room to hide and sit on (I should have chosen C grades 30-40 starters). The course was fairly hilly, even though it didn't have any of the bigger climbs found around Canberra, and a small crosswind made things that little bit harder. It didn't take too long for a group of 4 to go off the front, but there was no way i would join them, i wanted a fast race that didn't blow me out the back of the bunch. Halfway through the first lap, i unfortunately had to start working, as the bunch seemed to want to start chasing the break, and coming to the end of the first lap i was right on the limit, only just hanging onto the bunch. At this point a rider was dropped nice and close the car park, unwisely i decided to hang on as long as possible. 8km later the inevitable happened, and i went backwards on a climb. Resigned to being out of the race, i turned around and headed for the finish.

It was a great race overall and well run, even though i only lasted 47km. I'm blaming being on my feet all week for part of my tired legs, though i can't ignore my need for a lot more training.

Luckily for me, unlike everyone stuck in Sydney, i was able to watch the Cycling again the next morning, before heading out for a nice long ride of suffering on some hills. I think hill repeats on Stromlo could be next.

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Postby jbcow » 22 May 2012, 13:38

James you did great! Looking at the results page, you are listed in 5th place for B division.

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