Greg Pankhurst's accident

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Postby Eleri » 10 Feb 2013, 18:06

Ride report and pictures coming later but I did want to tell people about an accident involving DHBC member, Greg Pankhurst on the ride today. He is a regular, particularly on the Wednesday morning La Per rides.

Greg had a crash on the descent into Stanwell Park and sustained some serious head injuries. Fortunately there was a lot of medical support provided to him on the ride before the ambos arrived and whisked him away to hospital.

We'll provide more information as it becomes available. For the time being we have send our best wishes to Greg and his family and have offered his wife Sue the full support of the Club.

It was a traumatic event also for those club members and Mike Tomolaris who were first or early on the scene. Thanks to you for looking after him before some very efficient Drs turned up on the scene (fellow riders).

Probably best that we don't speculate on what happened or how on the forum. But we will do our best to update people on Greg's condition where appropriate.

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Postby jonboy » 10 Feb 2013, 18:38

My thoughts are with Greg and his family. He's so passionate about the sport and a really nice guy to boot.

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Postby timothy_clifford » 10 Feb 2013, 18:58

I'd like to thank all the riders that stopped to help Greg today. Only a couple are with the club, but they helped stabilise and comfort Greg before medical help arrived. Also a very big thank you to the Stanwell Park SLSC member who stopped to assist, and arranged medical help from fellow SLSC members while directing traffic. Also the motorbike escort for helping with traffic and safety of the scene. Mike Tomolaris and the other 4 or 5 people who phoned either Emergency or the ride Medical staff. In a very serious and sobering moment, its comforting to know that so many people did everything they could to help.
Thank you to all the DHBC riders that rode with me to the finish too. It may not sound like much, but until you all arrived on the scene I was too shaken to consider continuing. Your presence was enough to make feel safe and comfortable enough to get back on the bike.

Wishing Greg and his family all the best.

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Postby Philip » 10 Feb 2013, 19:06

Can I please add my best wishes. So awful, I've been the first on the scene of another friends bad accident and it is deeply traumatic for all concerned. Hoping for a speedy recovery and my thoughts are especially with Greg's family.

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Postby mr mojo » 10 Feb 2013, 19:32

Would like to extend my thoughts to Greg and his family. Here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.


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Postby marc2131 » 10 Feb 2013, 20:25

Get well soon Greg.

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Postby adam » 11 Feb 2013, 04:58

I want to add my thanks to those first on the scene. It was shocking when those of us in the bunch arrived and realised it was one of ours, but so much better seeing how professionally Greg was being cared for. Greg always rides with such good cheer, even when he's taking on bigger and bigger challenges. Our thoughts are with you and particularly your family. Get well soon mate.

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Postby James Rogers » 11 Feb 2013, 06:40

Hope Greg recovers quickly. It is always sobering to hear these things, especially when you're doing the same ride. I'd agree that it is heartening to hear that he was attended to so quickly and thoroughly.

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Postby marc2131 » 11 Feb 2013, 07:09

If possible, would appreciate updates on how Greg is doing.

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Postby Eleri » 11 Feb 2013, 07:51

Certainly - we will provide information as and when it becomes available.

I imagine it's a difficult time for Greg's family and work colleagues, but Jo Skinner and I are in contact with them and will provide updates.

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Postby Adrian E » 11 Feb 2013, 10:00

Paul Foster just posted this update on the DHBC facebook page:

"I just spoke to Gregs wife. There is no change at present. Still unconscious, still hoping for the best. The nurse was trying to clean his facial wounds today and he was trying to swat her with his hand which is apparently a good sign. I'll post again when I have another update."

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Postby weiyun » 11 Feb 2013, 11:57

Thoughts are with a fellow DHBCer and his family. Wish for steady improvements in coming days.

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Postby Eleri » 11 Feb 2013, 14:29


Greg is still in ICU and under heavy sedation and probably will be for some days. They are keeping him sedated to relieve pressure from swelling in his brain. When they reduce the sedation, he has some reflexes, will squeeze hands for instance.

They are waiting to see what happens and how he progresses as the pressure subsides.

Greg's wife is understandably exhausted and distressed but sounds like she has a lot of support around her. I'll be kept in touch via Greg's work partners who have taken on the job of keeping everyone informed.

He's in no position for visitors and no flowers in ICU. When that changes, I'll let everyone know.

I was in contact with the Dr (and fellow cyclist) who ably took control of the accident scene. I was able to thank her on behalf of the club. She had just seen Greg in ICU and confirmed there are encouraging signs but that time will tell. She said she was "impressed by the comraderie of the dhbc" which I think is very true.

Bikebug were doing support for the ride and picked Greg's bike up. They did a great job too and have been very helpful. We are organising to get that back from the not very distant location of Tempe.

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Postby paul » 11 Feb 2013, 15:23

Like all at DHBC, I'd like to add my best wishes for Greg and his loved ones. Get well soon.


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Postby Hashtag » 11 Feb 2013, 18:45

Thinking of you and the family and wishing you a speedy recovery.
If there is anything I can do, please let me know xx

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Postby Johnj » 11 Feb 2013, 22:53

Just want to add my best wishes for Greg and family.

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Postby timothy_clifford » 12 Feb 2013, 09:57

A friend send me this link today - The Illawarra Mercury has done a small report on the crash.

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Postby Eleri » 12 Feb 2013, 14:47

Another update today and it's positive.

The doctors have performed some tests on Greg and the results have been quite positive. They decreased the sedation and he was able to respond to pain across all areas of his body. For example they flicked his eyebrow and he screwed his face up. He was also able to intermittently respond to verbal requests to squeeze his hands.

Sue (Greg's wife) has been comforted by all the support she has received. The ride organiser Jamie Warren rang Sue to see how he was going and to express his concern. The beneficiaries of the ride, RPA Lighthouse, have also been in touch with Greg's work colleague to express their concern and send their best wishes

Sue was also visited by one of the Drs who was on hand immediately after the crash who wanted to know how he was going.

They've shaved his beard off too.

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Postby Camilla » 12 Feb 2013, 16:25

Great news! Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed just in case it helps.

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Postby timothy_clifford » 12 Feb 2013, 16:35

They've shaved his beard off too.

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Postby adam » 12 Feb 2013, 16:37

That is such good news. He's always seemed a tough one. Now I'll be hoping for steady improvement. Thoughts are still with his family till he's fully recovered.

(But the beard ...)

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Postby Stuart » 12 Feb 2013, 17:00

we're all hoping and wishing for a full recovery and these early signs are encouraging. I really look forward to seeing Greg back at the cafe with 'the Chloemonster' real soon, just like last Sat.

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Postby Juliet » 12 Feb 2013, 17:13

Thank you for posting the updates. It's a relief to hear the good news.
My best wishes to Greg and family for his quick recovery.

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Postby Adrian E » 13 Feb 2013, 15:17

A message from Scott Hendry on the DHBC facebook page.

Hi guys, I'm a close mate of Panki's from Townsville and heard of Greg's crash through his mum the other day. All of his golf and cycling mates up here send there wishes and are keen to hear of his ongoing progress . I didn't want to disturb Susan during this trying time but if you could send through any info it would be greatly appreciated . Cheers!

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Postby Eleri » 13 Feb 2013, 18:02

Greg's friend Paul told me

"I saw Greg last night. He seemed quite comfortable and Sue reports he’s still stable this morning"

The bleeding has stopped and he has some bruising on the brain in a couple of places - at the point of impact on his temple and at the top of the brain stem. [edit]

They are hoping to unsedate him sometime today and see how that goes. If it goes well, good. If not, then they will re-sedate and try again. It's possible he has some weakness on his left side. However it's all early days.

Paul also said "Sue wanted me to thank everyone for their offers of help including looking after the kids – she is very grateful and touched. She wants to create, as much as possible, a sense of normality and routine for the kids."

Paul and others know I am updating on the forum and are passing back all well-wishes.
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Postby weiyun » 13 Feb 2013, 20:38

The bleeding has stopped and he has some bruising on the brain in a couple of places - at the point of impact on his temple and at the base of the spine.
Thanks for the updates. in relation to the above, did you mean base of skull?

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Postby Eleri » 13 Feb 2013, 21:37

Thanks for the updates. in relation to the above, did you mean base of skull?
Oops! I meant top of the brain stem.

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Postby Karzie » 13 Feb 2013, 22:07

Oops! I meant top of the brain stem.

Thanks for not wanting to scare me, but it didn't work.

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Postby timyone » 14 Feb 2013, 07:25

I am sorry to hear about his beard also. Are there any reports about how good he looks clean shaven?

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Postby Eleri » 14 Feb 2013, 11:36

Tim - no report on that although it sounds like some of his friends welcome that development. Mind you, he crashed on his face so ... it's not just the beard.

A further update, he's still sedated and got the tube in but is breathing by himself. They have turned off the sedation on 2 occasions, once yesterday, once today. The first time he was able to squeeze one hand on command and not much else. Today he could squeeze both and flicker his eyes on command.

Paul also said:

"Those of you who know Greg well would know that every Thursday night for the last 13 years he’s gone out with “The punters club”. Tonight will no different however we’re happy for any of Greg’s friends or associates to come along for a beer and a chat – you would be welcome. Nothing formal, just a beer or two and some tall tales. Customs House Bar from 6pm –we will be there for a while."

I might pop along to this if anyone wants to join me.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 14 Feb 2013, 12:17

I'll come down for a bevvy or two. In my cycling gear which might be quite appropriate in the circumstances.

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Postby timothy_clifford » 14 Feb 2013, 13:50

I might ride down as well. I don't have a lock on the bike so I might need to lock up to someone else.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 14 Feb 2013, 15:01

Neither Christian nor I have locks either. Perhaps we can get a table out the front so we can all ogle our bikes?

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Postby timothy_clifford » 14 Feb 2013, 15:19

Neither Christian nor I have locks either. Perhaps we can get a table out the front so we can all ogle our bikes?
Or continue giving me grief over my handlebar width or lack thereof.

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Postby adam » 14 Feb 2013, 15:24

I'd be interested in coming down - and also don't have a lock. I vote for Jo's solution

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 14 Feb 2013, 15:33

Or continue giving me grief over my handlebar width or lack thereof.
I don't think my 400mm handlebars have anything to laugh at.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 15 Feb 2013, 07:14

Lovely drinks last night at Custom's House. A slight hiccup when we realised we were at the wrong bar (my fault) but we finally found everyone and it was great to meet some of Greg's work colleagues including Paul Foster who has been keeping us up to date on Greg's condition.

Greg is surrounded by some wonderful people which is a testament to the bloke he is. Sue also has some great support and Greg's mum came down from Townsville this week which has been a big help.

Paul will continue to send updates so watch this space.

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Postby mikesbytes » 15 Feb 2013, 08:09

Thanks for the updates, lets hope that each one brings better news

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Postby Eleri » 15 Feb 2013, 08:12

Who would have thought there are two bars with pretty much the same name. I made the same mistake.

But it was great to catch up and for DHBC people to tell Greg's friends more of what happened post the accident. One thing is clear though - no-one has a very good grip on how long anything took. The passage of time is a hard thing to keep track of at times like that.

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Postby Eleri » 15 Feb 2013, 15:52

Update from Paul:

Greg remains unconscious in ICU. He has been removed from all sedation so the coma is no longer medically induced. Last night he was stroking Sue’s arm and poking his tongue out upon request.

His children visited him today, by the sounds of it things went as well as could have been expected. He did briefly open his eyes for a couple of seconds whilst they were there. This is a step in the right direction but there is such a long way to go. All medical professionals I’ve spoken to have told me how painfully slow the recovery process is and it will take time.

They are planning to take out his breathing tube today I believe and allow him to breathe on his own.

I was planning to put a list together of everyone who has volunteered to help. Not a lot of help is needed at the moment but in the coming months there will be many occasions where help will be required. So please send me your phone number and the type of help you can offer – driving, cooking, gardening, domestic stuff or anything I’ve forgotten. Their needs will become clearer over the coming weeks. [DHBC members, you can post here or DM me]

If you’re keen to read more on brain injuries, have a look at this site it’s quite interesting.

If anything significant happens over the weekend I’ll send another update otherwise I’ll leave it until Monday.

It’s been a rubbish week but the support and love directed in Greg’s direction has been just overwhelming.

Let’s hope the next week is an absolute shed load better than this one.

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Postby Camilla » 15 Feb 2013, 16:00

Put me on the list for anything. And thanks for doing such a great job of keeping us all informed.

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Postby Dougie » 15 Feb 2013, 16:11

whatever is needed, whenever its needed i am there.
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Postby Karzie » 15 Feb 2013, 16:12

Likewise. 0411779363

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 15 Feb 2013, 16:24

Me too. Except food. I can't cook. So no casseroles from me. I also live 50m from them so easy to drop by.

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Postby marc2131 » 15 Feb 2013, 16:31

I am a lousy cook.
No mobile at the moment but can get me after hours on 9798 9205.

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Postby Bill K CX » 15 Feb 2013, 16:37

You have my details as before on day1

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

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Postby jonboy » 15 Feb 2013, 17:45

I'm happy to help out with anything.

There's not much I can't do - breastfeeding, maybe.

Also keen to visit Greg in hospital when we get the green light.

John (0411 634 073)

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Postby Tod511 » 15 Feb 2013, 20:18

Thanks Eleri for the daily updates, I have been waiting for them each day with the hope of positive news. It has been a very sobering week and it has impacted Kerry and I deeply. The signs are promising and I cannot image how traumatic it is for Sue and the kids at the moment. Kerry and I are happy to help with any duties. Kerry is a great cook and a domestic goddess (phone 0435008018) and I am willing to help out with any other tasks - gardening, cleaning, taxi service, shopping and any domestic chore - I am there (phone 0468850260).

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Postby adam » 15 Feb 2013, 20:29

I'm in for anything I can do - 0409669936

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Postby Greeny » 15 Feb 2013, 20:57

Thank you for the updates Eleri and Paul, I too keep checking to hear any news. I have others from outside the club contacting me for an update. I can cook so please call on me. All of us are thinking of Greg and his family and sending positive thoughts their way.

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Postby paul » 15 Feb 2013, 21:38

I'm up for any help required. Cooking, cleaning, childminding, gardening, whatever.
My wife Margo is a registered nurse and has offered her help when Greg returns home.

Paul 0468720227

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Postby mr mojo » 15 Feb 2013, 21:47

Thanks for the updates Eleri.

I generally work from home at least 2 days a week, so I am around to help out during the week if required. mob 0438 520 693.

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Postby Juliet » 15 Feb 2013, 23:18

Anything at all. 0407900985

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Postby timyone » 16 Feb 2013, 10:35

I'm a registered nurse too, and working at the medical centre in marrickville until April, so just around the corner, Greg has my number. I'm up for any helping out, dressings etc

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Postby canthes » 16 Feb 2013, 19:50

I would be happy to assist. I live just around the corner from Greg. My number is 0401 509 954. I'm happy to help with anything, good with gardening, cooking, providing wine of course! I Have kids that go to Canterbury Public so I'm in the area to help collect /drop off Greg's Kids to school if required.
Thinking of the whole family in this time of need and further down the road to recovery.

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Postby Eleri » 18 Feb 2013, 09:27

Thank you to everyone who has offered to assist here and those who have PMd me. I'm putting all that together for Paul.

Latest update from Paul this morning:
Greg remains unconscious in ICU….still. He has had the pressure gauge (or whatever it’s called) removed from his head as the Drs believe swelling is no longer an issue.

Tash and Sue have been quite “assertive” in their quest to wake him up. They have managed to get him to open his eyes on a number of occasions and lift his hand upon request.

The bruising in his brain remains and I’m told is an impediment to him waking. I’m not sure what the expected timeframe for this resolving is.
The care Greg is receiving appears to be first class, he has a nurse standing at the end of his bed 24 hours a day – he’s in good hands.

Thanks for the dozens of offers of help including someone who offered to take his boat out on the harbour to make sure it’s ok and an attractive petit blonde lady who offered to read him 50 Shades of Grey.

I believe we have the meals sorted for this week.

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Postby adrian » 18 Feb 2013, 09:41

All my fingers and toes are crossed for Greg's recovery. (Makes riding a bicycle, walking, tying shoelaces etc. quite difficult but definitely worth the effort!) :)

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 18 Feb 2013, 09:55

Wake up Jeff (Greg)!

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Postby Eleri » 19 Feb 2013, 13:16

I'm compiling the list of people who are willing to help Greg and his family tonight. Please update here, PM or email me from the front page of the website if your are able to help out.

Latest update from Paul
Greg remains unconscious in ICU but is making progress.

Yesterday he opened his eyes for a few seconds and was able to focus on Sue. Sue was also able to communicate with him via hand-squeezes. “Are you in pain? One squeeze for yes, two for no”. She received two squeezes.

There was also positive news from the Neurologist who felt that the scans suggest the areas of his brain that affect personality and intellect appeared to be uninjured. He is likely to have some mobility issues on his left side but this can be improved with physio.

He’s likely to be taken off intubation and given a tracheotomy. Apparently this is an improvement though it doesn’t sound like one. Intubation should happen for only 7-10 days otherwise it can cause damage and increase the chance of infection.

He will still be assisted with his breathing via the tracheotomy but he will be moved off ICU and into a high care ward.

On the downside he has a bit of temperature which isn’t ideal, they’ve taken blood tests to see what the problem is. Greg apparently tried to kick the Dr in the head when he stuck the needle in – good to see he’s still making friends and influencing people.

He is still wearing a neck brace. They have scanned his neck and think it’s uninjured but as he can’t give them feedback re pain etc they are taking a final set of comprehensive images. Once the radiographer has looked at the images and given the all clear they can remove the brace.

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Postby weiyun » 19 Feb 2013, 14:42

I think Paul can delete the first line of his reports. Good to know that Greg has been conscious for a few days now! If that first line is to be preserved, it could be "Greg is comfortable and remains lightly sedated in ICU...". :)

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Postby Trouty » 19 Feb 2013, 19:43

Yes keen to visit when we get the green light. Stuart can attest that my cooking isn't that great and I'm squeamish at the sight of blood, so assistance with cooking and changing dressing is out for me. But happy to help the family if I can.

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Postby JJM_1 » 19 Feb 2013, 20:51

Eleri, I'm keen to help if I can. I'd list my domestic talent as home handy person / ok on logistics too.

John M
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Postby Phil G » 19 Feb 2013, 22:13

Eleri, I can help with gardening/lawns round, excuse not to do mine. Phil 0406 609 298

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Postby PJCampbell » 20 Feb 2013, 11:19

My thoughts are with Greg and his family and friends.

I was shocked to hear of this accident after only just meeting him in person about a week before, on the road back from Centennial one evening. Here's to seeing him make a full recovery and seeing him (and his beard) back on the road eventually.

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Postby Joe » 20 Feb 2013, 12:35

I've just logged on for the first time in ages and found this very sad news. Thanks for all the updates. My thoughts are with Greg and his family – sending you healing thoughts! Excellent news that his personality will most likely be unaffected as that is one of his standout characteristics!

I'm keen to help out as needed. Can cook a bit, clean, do gardening stuff, get the groceries, etc

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Postby Eleri » 20 Feb 2013, 13:29

I am passing on all the offers of assistance. I'm slightly confused about some people's real names but I think I've got it sorted now. Didn't think of that when I started this exercise!

Anyone else offering to help could usefully include (PM or email if you prefer):
Their full name
Email address
Phone number
When they can help (eg weekdays, weekends should sort it)
What they can do.

Might I say, I don't know how all these people who can't cook manage to get a quality diet to keep riding! :-)

Today's update from Paul.
Greg remains largely unconscious in ICU.

He has opened his eyes on a couple of occasions for a minute or 2 and his eyes follow the nurse around the room. He has been able to answer questions using hand squeezes such as “ How many kids do you have?” and “ Let me know when I say your address”.

He’s still struggling with his breathing. This is related to the injury to brain stem area which controls the core functions of the body. As such he’s had a tracheotomy today which should make him more comfortable – the breathing tube now comes out of a hole in his neck rather than his mouth.

His temperature is back to normal which is good.

I’m picking up his Mother-in-law from the airport today – that should encourage him to get better.

More updates as they come to hand

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 20 Feb 2013, 13:57

Might I say, I don't know how all these people who can't cook manage to get a quality diet to keep riding! :-)
I'm hoping I have aligned myself with someone to sort this out for me. Rice Bubbles is not a great dinner the night before a ride. :oops:

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Postby Stuart » 20 Feb 2013, 15:57

I'm a domestic goddess and can cook too (not sure about what children eat though) so put me down - potential to be available during the day too as long as I can setup the laptop and have Internet access.

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Postby simonhogg1 » 21 Feb 2013, 08:38

Hi Guys,

My name is Simon Hogg, I'm a close mate and work colleague of Greg's and met some of you on the ride up to West Head that happened over x-mas. I've only now had the chance to read through this thread and wanted to say just how touched all the guy in the office were with the tidal wave of offers to help and support Greg and his family. I know Sue and his kids Chloe and Sam would want to say thanks as well.

I went to see Greg on Tuesday and similar to Paul's comments earlier he managed to open his eyes for us and squeeze our hands on occasion. It's strange to see one of the loudest people we all know laying there so quite and calm.

It's going to be a long road ahead with many obstacles to overcome, but you couldn't bet on a more capable man to get there than Greg.

Hope to see some of you out riding soon

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 21 Feb 2013, 09:30

Welcome to the forum Simon...! I kept an eye out for you at drinks the other night so we might need to have another gathering in the coming weeks. Hopefully Greg will be there to have one with us...

The updates have been great so thanks to Paul and everyone for keeping us informed.

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Postby Eleri » 21 Feb 2013, 21:01

If you offered to help and you didn't get an email from me tonight, then it's because I got your email wrong or guessed wrong about who you are. Ummm, maybe PM me with your proper email address.

Update from Paul
Not too much of an update today.

Greg had his tracheotomy yesterday. It’s a fairly invasive procedure so he was heavily sedated when I saw him yesterday. After all the acrobatics he put on for everyone else over the last few days I was expecting a good show but he just did the lying still routine.

He looks much more comfortable without the tubes in his mouth and Sue seems quite upbeat.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 22 Feb 2013, 14:20

Hi All,

Here is the update from Paul today forwarded on from Eleri:
I just spoke to Sue and it would appear Greg has emerged from the coma…..

He stays awake for a few minutes then falls asleep again but was awake for about half the morning. He has been looking around the room, checking out his scabby knees, trying to sit up for a hug and a kiss, trying to speak (not a good idea when there’s a tube in your throat) and even having a crack at smiling. Sue hasn’t seen the Dr but she was over the moon. Greg almost broke Sue’s hand when she asked if he wanted to see Chloe.

He’s also off the respirator.

It’s been a good morning with a tear or 2 shed around here….

Have a good weekend


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Postby Lizanne » 22 Feb 2013, 14:28

OH Wow!!! that is excellent news!

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Postby Hashtag » 22 Feb 2013, 14:32

This is excellent news! Shed a tear myself just readying the good news! Can't wait to hear more as he continues to improve. Great start to the weekend. :mrgreen:

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Postby Tod511 » 22 Feb 2013, 14:43

I jumped out of my chair at the office and punched the air. Although there is a long way to go this is awesome news - I now have a smile on my face - today is a great day. This must be such a relief for Sue and the Kids. I can but only imagine how they feel at this moment.

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Postby marc2131 » 22 Feb 2013, 14:53

Great news. :D

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Postby Juliet » 22 Feb 2013, 15:27

So good!!!

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Postby Karzie » 22 Feb 2013, 15:38

Fantastic! That is just so good for everyone!

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Postby MarkL » 22 Feb 2013, 16:09

Fantastic news!!!

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Postby andrewm » 22 Feb 2013, 16:26

woot! Woot!

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Postby Greeny » 22 Feb 2013, 20:28

That is wonderful news, soooooooooo wonderful. Good on you Greg! We're all cheering for you.

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Postby mikesbytes » 22 Feb 2013, 21:45

Excellent !!!!!!!!

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Postby Bill K CX » 23 Feb 2013, 00:36

Just got in and saw the great news. One Big step in the right direction.

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Postby adam » 23 Feb 2013, 06:43

Been holding my breath counting on this moment. Now I have let it out with such delight! Yay Greg! Keep on going mate.

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Postby Adrian E » 23 Feb 2013, 07:03

Fantastic news! Sooo happy... Yay Greg.

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Postby jonboy » 23 Feb 2013, 07:05

Go Panki go!

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Postby geoff m » 23 Feb 2013, 08:06

Was the last bit of news I got as I finished up the work week. What fabulous news. The T2 Recruitment Team at QBE are just as excited for you Greg.

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Postby mr mojo » 23 Feb 2013, 09:12

That's awesome news. Go Greg !!!!

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Postby paul » 23 Feb 2013, 11:52


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Postby Rainbow » 23 Feb 2013, 13:17

Great news and well done, Greg! From the Llewellyn clan.

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Postby Stuart » 24 Feb 2013, 08:26

So happy to hear that Greg is getting there. Small steps I guess but very, very great news ...

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Postby Eleri » 25 Feb 2013, 20:57

Greg received visits from a close friend yesterday and has a list of people lined up for the rest of the week.

The essence of Greg is still there, he managed to flick the bird at his friend but is sufficiently alert now to begin getting frustrated by the inability to move his head (muscle and ligament damage from the injury, still healing), to speak (the tracheotomy), the needles and tubes. He still has more movement on the right side of his body than he does on the left.

Some people in the club who know him best have expressed a wish to visit. I'll check what the situation is with visitors, but it sounds like he will be up for some visiting in the not-too-distant future.

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Postby adam » 26 Feb 2013, 04:56

That'll be a real milestone. Hope you're up for it really soon Greg.

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Postby Trouty » 28 Feb 2013, 19:28

Home you go home soon Greg.

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Postby Eleri » 01 Mar 2013, 12:49

Latest update from Paul. If you would like to visit, please email or PM me.
Greg is making progress, it’s slow progress but he’s heading in the right direction.

He’s had a number of visitors over the last couple of days with those that see him early in the day feeling he’s making wonderful progress and those that see him later in the day feeling he’s closer to the description I gave earlier in the week. I think that during the recovery from such a massive injury he will get tired easily and perhaps this shouldn’t be a great surprise.

So on Tuesday he was given an Ipad and after a few unsuccessful efforts he typed his first word……………Coke. He hasn’t had a drink for 3 weeks and is desperately thirsty.

On Thursday, despite have the tracheotomy still he was able to say a few words and could follow conversation. He did drift in and out a little bit but was I’m reliably informed that when given the form guide and asked to pick a winner “He verbally picked number 4 (Human League) , but declined to pick the first in Goulburn as he would "have to research",”. Human League was scratched.

He was also sitting in a supportive chair yesterday morning and the nurses stood him up and whilst heavily supported took a step or 2.

He has also been taken off all oxygen for increasingly long periods of time. Hopefully the tracheotomy will come out on Monday and he can have a drink.

On the downside, he’s still very uncomfortable and still has very limited facial expressions and limited movement on his left side.

It’s also likely that he has post-traumatic amnesia so is quite confused at times which must be quite distressing for him. This is apparent in nearly all head injuries and should improve over a 2-3 week period.

The hospital have indicated that he’ll start physical therapy next week which is great news.

That’s about it. Thanks to all who have visited, I’ll try and accommodate those of you who’ve requested visits ASAP, it will be easier when he’s out of the High Dependency Ward.

Have a nice weekend, I’ll update you next week.

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Postby AndrewBurns » 01 Mar 2013, 13:08

Wow it sounds like things are definitely happening now, good to hear he's taken a few steps and will be starting physical therapy soon! Hoping for a speedy recovery and the ability to return home soon.

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Postby Eleri » 08 Mar 2013, 11:42

There are further updates on visits to Greg here

Those who volunteered to help with cooking and stuff like that are likely to receive an email soon to kick that off.


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Postby Eleri » 11 Mar 2013, 13:31

Update on Greg from Paul
Greg has been transferred from St George Hospital to Royal Ryde Rehab Hospital today. So that’s a pretty speedy transition through ICU, High Dependency, Neuro Ward and onto the rehab hospital – he’s only been awake for 16 days.

He continues to make good progress. He can almost walk unassisted – not very far, but considering he could barely move his left leg or arm 2 weeks ago this is really great. His speech and vocabulary are pretty good – a bit slurry, he sounds likes he had a few but not completely drunk. He can read but struggles to concentrate so anything more than a card is too much for him at the moment. He still comes up with some crazy stories – on Saturday he claimed he played for the NQ Cowboys and also rang Sue to let he know he was stuck in a Korean hotel and needed someone to come and get him. Overall his cognitive ability has a long way to go but is improving.

He hates being in the hospital and is bored and sick of lying in bed. I think he’s feeling a bit down in the dumps (who could blame him) but hopefully the move to a hospital where they will be more focused on setting him some goals rather than waiting for him to improve will improve his mood.

Before Greg crashed his bike, he was training for the 3 Peaks ride, 230kms over Mt Hotham, Falls Creek and some other big mountain. The ride was yesterday and Simon Hogg and Dave Langley rode in his honour. They tied some of Greg’s shredded cycling jersey from his crash to their bikes. Despite record temperature David finished in less than 9 hours and Simon finished in an Ambulance. Simon did manage to complete over 200km but he was dehydrated and vomiting continually and ended up on a drip. I have now banned all Balance Recruitment employees from riding bikes.

I’ll give you an update tomorrow once I’ve visited Greg tonight. He should be able to receive flowers, cards, mags, coke, beer etc in the Hospital. I’ll confirm tomorrow.

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Postby Eleri » 12 Mar 2013, 20:03

Update from Paul - note the request to coordinate visits.
Greg is now ensconced in Royal Ryde Rehab Centre. I believe it’s Sydney oldest building or maybe the interior designers went for a Dickensian theme.

Apart from the décor the place is great. He has a full program of Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physio, Counsellors. There is even a Karaoke Group to help with speech and a breakfast club where he has to help cook once a week.

His improvement over the last few days has been outstanding. The delusions are going, only once in 3 hours did he get really confused – “how was your flight from France?”. And he’s starting to become aware of his situation. He feels bad about putting Sue through a rough time, can’t believe he almost died, wants to know about work and asks about his insurance policies. This is a massive change from the garbled gibberish of 2 weeks ago. I even asked him some work questions (how much should this person get paid? What’s the difference between these two jobs?) and he was able to answer correctly. He also still knows all the words to “Bust a Move”.

He can walk, not in a straight line, but he can walk. Not bad after a month in bed. His legs are now skinny like a chicken.

He saw the Dr when I was there. He examined Greg and choosing his words very carefully said “it’s very likely you’ll make quite a good recovery”. That’s sounds quite promising.

If you want to send him something the address is:

Chicken Legs Pankhurst
Room 8
Brain Injury Ward
227 - 259 Morrison Road
Ryde 2113

Due to his injury he can’t drink alcohol for a year (yes a year) so please don’t send him any beer – even if I did suggest it would be a good idea in my last email.

He’s only allowed 2 people in his room at once but they do allow him to escape into the grounds where he can hang out with larger groups. Hours are 3 to 8 on weekdays and 10 to 8 on weekends.

Please let me know if you want to visit and I’ll try and make sure it’s not a feast and famine for him.

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Postby Stuart » 12 Mar 2013, 20:51

Great to hear of the steady progress. I wonder how much Greg would think I should get paid? Maybe I should ask him for a raise :-)

Hmm .. 227 - 259 Morrison Road wouldn't be much of a detour from the 3 gorges ride return route .. must ponder.

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