Advice sought on a 'Girting Sydney' ride..

Road cycling & upcoming rides
Ben Hibbard
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Postby Ben Hibbard » 02 May 2014, 17:37

Howdy all,

I am looking for interesting rides to do around town, and this is one I've formulated... I've called it the 'Girting Sydney-town' ride and I want to know if it's real feasible or advisable to take the route I have plotted.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

Ben Hibbard

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Postby Philip » 02 May 2014, 19:28

Most of it I don't really know so I'll leave it to others. The bit I'd be worried about is the M5, the road works seem to be never ending and make it a less than enjoyable ride. Definitely an early Sunday ride you'll want to minimise the traffic on the major roads. I used to often do the M5-M7 return ride but I'm waiting till the works are over before I tackle it again. Good luck..

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Postby Beejay1188 » 04 May 2014, 17:47

I like it..Ive never been on some of the roads, but with a bunch of say 10+ i'd feel ok. Yeah, the M5 is a bit of a drama but not too bad on the eastbound side. I ride the M7 cycleway a bit so know that well. If u get this together and it on a day I can come, I'll be there.


Anthony K
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Postby Anthony K » 04 May 2014, 23:48

I drove the M5 eastbound on Easter Monday and there were parts where the verge appeared less than 1/2 a metre wide with a concrete barrier on the left. Speed limit has been dropped to 90 as the lanes have been narrowed.
I would not ride there.

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Postby Jdubs » 12 May 2014, 16:29

Looks like 50% bike path. I'm down.
We got a date for this? Add another 20km and we can make it a Grand Fondo and have it as an achievement on Strava.

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Postby Stuart » 12 May 2014, 17:19

Note that riding on the M5 is currently not permitted, although people still do it. The issue is that at times the shoulder is almost completely gone. I'd look for another route.

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Postby Jdubs » 12 May 2014, 17:35

Alt road would be Stoney Creek Road and Henry Lawson Drive.
Or it could even be Forest Rd from Princes Highway all the way to Henry Lawson Drive

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Postby 2Tyred » 13 May 2014, 19:08

I commute the M5 from Henry L Dr to St Peters. Also ride to Prestons for a M7 path ride. All open and accesible with 2m minimum in many areas. Traffic speed is signposted to 80kph from M7 junction to King G Rd both ways. Single file and use utmost caution when crossing entry/exit ramps. With construction work areas the surface and access is changing regulary.

USE Beech Rd off ramp and connect with Camden V W, M7 pathway. This is the safest way to connect to M7 path

Ben Hibbard
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Postby Ben Hibbard » 15 May 2014, 22:34

I'm getting excited fellas. Gran Fondo would be pretty pimp, maybe a diversion into the Lane Cove national park to make the extra 20kms? The M5 cycleway looks relatively ok westbound for the most part at last 'inspection' (aka, driving past at 90km/h). I'm still unsure about getting from the M7 to the M2 via cycleways, anyone ridden that stretch?

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