Non-Dulwich Hill Spotted.

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Postby rhys » 22 May 2012, 18:05

One of the best things about getting out and about on your bike is the myriad of wild and wacky things you might otherwise not see. In this thread we will talk about these things.

My commute takes me through the heart of Kings Cross and as you might imagine I get to see many great and awful things daily.
This morning I was riding downhill from the fountain and traffic was banked up the whole way down the hill, for about two hundred metres. I made my way carefully between the parked cars and the slowly moving cars, until I got halfway down the hill out the front of Woolworth's.
A woman was having her 5th attempt at reverse-parallel parking her Mercedes A-class, in a spot you could have landed a jet in. It all became clearer as I pulled up beside her - she had HER DOG IN HER LAP. I offered her several choice words of advice with some interpretive hand signals, before offering her some more advice. How many people had she held up? Probably the same people who get the irrits when you hold them up on your bike.

This is not intended to be a thread for cars/cyclists doing stupid things, otherwise we'd crash the server. More for the oddities and strange sights our wonderful city has to offer.
The waterfall wagon vomiting it's boot full of cleaning gear into the middle of the road gave me the idea.

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Postby Hashtag » 22 May 2012, 18:54

Stop at traffic lights on a Monday morning watching a boy waiting for his Dad to reverse the car from the garage. The boy of about 10 promptly got his fingers pistols out and starting shooting at the cars going by with great enthusiasm. He spotted me coming, but luckily I was quick of the mark, draw my own finger pistol and shot him first - laughing, he dramatically fell to the ground. Pretty neat start to my day :)

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Postby mikesbytes » 22 May 2012, 21:46

Riding thru Beverly Hills 7.15am this morning, I a guy was on a mag trainer in his front yard. He gave me a wave as I went past, like he recognised me.

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Postby timyone » 26 May 2012, 20:39

lol!!! at the mag trainer!!

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Postby jermxx » 26 May 2012, 22:33

Riding thru Beverly Hills 7.15am this morning, I a guy was on a mag trainer in his front yard. He gave me a wave as I went past, like he recognised me.
I saw someone doing that in Centennial one Saturday morning as well... Then packed it all up in the car afterwards and drove off.

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Postby jonboy » 26 May 2012, 22:39

I saw a bald man in his late 60s dressed in nothing but a towel ranting and raving at cars and anyone in his way on my commute home one night this week. It was around Central Station. He was wandering onto the road trying to stop traffic.

Sadly this is called 'care in the community' for people with mental illness. :(

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 27 May 2012, 21:18

A few weeks ago now but was riding to work on the Pyrmont cycleway with someone in front of me. I suddenly noticed his backpack started moving... After a few seconds a little nose popped out followed by a puppy's head!

A novel way to walk the dog...

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