A little hanky with Panky

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Postby Dougie » 05 Mar 2013, 18:49

I payed a visit to our medical triathlete (ride, ambo, chopper) Greg in his suite at the St George Hospital aka cycling central.

His mate Paul was kind enough to advise that he was in ICU2. Being the good little scout I am, I found my way to this location. It was then advised that Mr Pankhurst has been move to 3 South. I ventured to 3 South. Upon arrival at 3 South I was advised that no Mr Pankhurst wasn't in 3 South. Do you have recommendation as to what part of the hospital I should commence my search in? Was my gentle observation. Back to ICU2 was the response. The look on my face must have resembled that that is oft made by those requiring a bed pan. The nursey made a call and discovered that Panky was currently located on 6 south. I enquired if he could be held there until I arrived or was this part of the fun?

I finally made it to 6 south. I was very glad that I had decided to refrain from wearing my nurse costume. The latex would have been very hot with all the walking around, but I digress. I was directed to Greg's room and I wandered in.

I have to admit my expectations weren't terribly high. However I was absolutely delighted when Greg said "g'day doug" as I walked in the door. We had a very good conversation. Greg was very lucid and aware. Greg was pretty keen to get in touch with Sue his wife. So I called her up. Greg rattled off her mobile number in a rain man style. I got the impression that some stuff is hard coded and rebooted up nicely and the other software will need to be reinstalled in the fullness of time.

I talked to Greg about the ride and how happy we all are. He is very "twitchy". I sort of feel like its the factory settings and now he has to be "personalised".

Another of Greg's mates arrived along with Sue and the kids and I decided it was a good time to practice my bedside manner on someone else. I then hit the road.

I just got a text from Sue and Greg was very happy I visited. Go see him.

Cheers. Dougie

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Postby Peter T » 05 Mar 2013, 19:07

Thanks for the marvellous update Dougie.

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Postby mikesbytes » 06 Mar 2013, 16:15

Visited Greg this arvo. He recognised me as I walked in.

While I was there the nurse asked him questions, which I recognised as awareness questions that I got asked when I was in the hospital in NZ. He got all the questions correct except for how long he had been there, though he had only been there a few days. His wife helped him out with that one.

Greg was keen to know what had happened in the bike club. While was able to full him in on the Adventure Ride and NSW Masters Track Racing, my knowledge of recent DHBC events isn't that good.

He is very keen to see us all, so come along

He will be there for about the next 3 weeks and then he will be transferred to Ryde Rehab Hospital.

Visiting hours at St George South Level 6 are;
10am - 12.30pm
3pm - 8pm

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Postby Eleri » 06 Mar 2013, 17:22

Jo Skinner and I are going tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. I'm taking along my laptop with pics and a modem. So if anyone wants to post a message here or a picture with him in it, that would be tops :-)

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Postby Peter T » 06 Mar 2013, 18:49

Greg on a La Pa morning.


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Postby Johnj » 07 Mar 2013, 12:50

I dropped in to see Greg in my lunch hour. He was keen to find out about what rides were happening and was disappointed that his training for the Three Peaks was not going to plan. Sue reminded him that the Three Peaks was on this weekend and that he wasn't going to be there. He is alert and happy to get visitors, but still somewhat confused.

When I got there he and Sue were having a discussion with someone from the Ryde Rehabilitation Centre. He will be transferred to Ryde when a place becomes available, but that could be several weeks away. He will be at Ryde for probably 6-8 weeks.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 07 Mar 2013, 18:24

Tonight it was Eleri and I's turn to go and see Greg...

I wasn't sure what to expect. He is now devoid of tubes and it would appear his beard is growing back (nooooo!). He's still very intelligent and aware. He remembered who we were, that I had recently bought a new bike, and wanted to know about the club goings on. He doesn't remember anything from the crash but did know who Scott was (a new member), who he was riding with at the time.

He was very restless, clearly uncomfortable from being in the bed so long, but knew the seriousness of his injury and the length of time it's going to take to recover. When asked how he felt he said that it was all there, he just struggles to grasp it, especially memories. But he has been told this will eventually come back. He asked us about the crash and what happened and also expressed surprise that his bike was in good nick. Eleri showed him some photos from the club, including the Johnny Warren, and he seemed to appreciate that.

He also asked me to call Sue and after having a chat to Sue, it sounded like she was getting pretty used to these calls. :roll:

And the question you were all wondering if he was going to ask: "how long until I can get back on a bike...?"

We asked him whether he would like more visitors and he said yes, it had been great for so many people to come in. There is a limit to the number of visitors he can have at any one time but certainly go in and say G'day. He will be moved to the Ryde Rehab Centre on Monday.

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Mar 2013, 11:10

Great news about moving to Ryde Rehab on a Monday, a place must of come up. I've heard good things about Ryde Rehab.

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Postby jonboy » 10 Mar 2013, 16:47

I called in to see Greg this arvo, before his transfer to Ryde tomorrow.

Sue was there with another visitor so I didn't stay long.

He seemed a bit tired and I'm not 100% sure he recognised me.

I'm glad I visited. I left him a couple of cycling magazines to read. And I promised him that I would visit at Ryde.

A friend of mine was in Ryde not long ago. Going there can be confronting. But I'm sure he'd like to have more visitors.

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Postby Tam » 10 Mar 2013, 20:27

thanks for the update dougie.

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Postby Adrian E » 11 Mar 2013, 06:14

Thanks for the updates on Greg. I'll be sure to send him a postcard.

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Postby Eleri » 11 Mar 2013, 13:32

Greg has been moved to Ryde now - update over on the original thread

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Postby Stuart » 11 Mar 2013, 17:34

This topic is now locked. Please use the original thread linked to above.

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