Anyone got a spare women's bike - we can convert a runner!

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Postby simon.sharwood » 05 Apr 2013, 08:17

An old mate/colleague of mine just ran her first marathon. Now her knees and feet are buggered.

Long story short, she needs a bike.

Anyone got a spare she could start on? JV's a lovely person and if we can lure her to cycling she'll be an ornament to the club.

PM me for details.


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Postby Lizanne » 05 Apr 2013, 08:49

i don't have a spare that would be good to start on (i have temperamental fixies spare at the moment). but if she is unsure on size, type, and a whole heap of other things, Oil over at Omafeits rents out his road bikes. $80/week
or if she wants it a little longer they do a buy back with up to 4 months use.
the buy back would be (i recon) the best way to get a feel for a bike. and the guys in the shop are heaps helpful.

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