Good bell for your road bike

Bicycle related chatter & discussion
Posts: 36
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 20:28

Postby bnej » 27 Dec 2015, 11:02

We had a talk about bells this morning on middies, the bell I have is a spurcycle bell which was originally a kick starter project. It's a bit dear but they are small, durable, loud, and don't take much space on the bars. Very handy on shared use paths. They will fit most bars as long as there is a round section.

I have had mine for a couple of years, and am happy to recommend it.

You can get one here: ... cycle-bell

Posts: 29
Joined: 08 Sep 2015, 13:32
Location: Annandale

Postby Sim » 18 Jan 2016, 16:06

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check them out.

I have a bell on my commuter but had been reluctant to spoil the aesthetic of my 'good' bike with a bell, but have just read that the fine for riding a bicycle 'without working warning device' is going to rise to $106 in March. And I have the uneasy feeling that there's going to be a whole lotta enforcement activity going on when these new laws come out :roll:

Cheers - Sim

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