Anyone recommend a good podiatrist?

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Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Feb 2009, 19:49
Location: Summer Hill

Postby AnthonyI » 11 Mar 2011, 20:19

I've recently started suffering from pain in the sole of my right foot which tends to worsen after long rides. A quick consultation with Dr Google seems to suggest this is caused by Plantar Fasciitis - commonly known as arch pain.

Anyway, I'd like to go see someone who knows how to correctly diagnose and treat this and was wondering if anyone can recommend someone local.


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Location: Erskineville

Postby Eleri » 11 Mar 2011, 20:37

I've been to Andrew Bull in the city. Steve Hogg also refers people to him. He's a club runner but gets the whole sport thing. He set me up with new orthotics about 18 months ago. Fixed a whole bunch of problems, unlike their predecessors.

Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Feb 2009, 19:49
Location: Summer Hill

Postby AnthonyI » 12 Mar 2011, 09:03

Thanks Eleri. I'll give him a call

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