Chain Tugs

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Postby orphic » 31 Mar 2011, 21:23

Anyone got any kicking around that they don't want and want to sell or exchange for beer? :)

I need some (preferably two, but just one on the drive side may work) for a bike I've just built that I'm running with gears on horizontal drops. Since I'm running a QR wheel I just can't get it tight enough to completely prevent wheel slippage, and I'm running 2.25 fatties which means if the axle is positioned all the way at the end of the drop (closest to the bike) the tyre rubs on the front derailleur. The tugs seem to be the best answer.

My LBS don't have them in and I can try elsewhere, just means I will be paying a premium and not getting my good LBS relationship discount ;)

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Postby NOOG » 01 Apr 2011, 06:18

I had this problem on my On One too...I've got a Surly Chain tug/bottle opener on there now and a standard On One one on the non-drive side. I still need to run the quick release pretty bloody tight Christian and Alex will attest to. They had to yank it out when I couldn't get it undone. None spare though, sorry.

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Postby fenn_paddler » 01 Apr 2011, 07:10

I run the Surly Tuggnut and can recommend it, though I did need to angle grind off the bottle opener so it fit the felt dispatch frame dropouts. I bought mine from Cheeky in Newtown.

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Postby orphic » 01 Apr 2011, 10:23

Thanks, I guess I'm splash out on some then. I kind of figured that I wouldn't need to run them once I go SS (when I get another frame... Oh yes n+1 is a curse) but sounds like you still have issues running SS John?

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Postby timyone » 01 Apr 2011, 11:03

ive got no idea what you lot are talking about.. what is a chain tug?

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Postby orphic » 01 Apr 2011, 11:50

Read this Tim:

Nowhere seems to have them in stock :( Might have to order and survive the weekend without. Managed to ride over 100km's of dirt last weekend without one slip, it has only been causing me dramas on the commute this week.

Might look into getting some of these too. You might be interested too, John: ... elID=26621

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Postby utopia » 01 Apr 2011, 12:49

I have one of those since my QR sewers will not allow my bike to fit on to a trainer.
Fyi - is $11
(and it's easier to hit a total of $86 for free shipping than $440)

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Postby timyone » 01 Apr 2011, 12:52

i have two things that look similar to that that were on my white track bike, i dont know if they would work though on a mountain bike

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Postby NOOG » 01 Apr 2011, 16:40

Thanks, I guess I'm splash out on some then. I kind of figured that I wouldn't need to run them once I go SS (when I get another frame... Oh yes n+1 is a curse) but sounds like you still have issues running SS John?
I still pull the wheel running singlespeed, probably more than running a geared drivetrain....It comes with the territory when you're riding up a hill, pushing a bigger gear than you really should. I was thinking about ditching the quick releases, those hex skewers seem like a good option.

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Postby shrubb face » 01 Apr 2011, 16:49

I ride hex (allen key) skewers on the track bike with my zipp 440s and providing you do them up tight ive not had a problem.

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Postby Karzie » 01 Apr 2011, 20:55

I ride hex (allen key) skewers on the track bike with my zipp 440s and providing you do them up tight ive not had a problem.
Tell us about the time they weren't done up tight?

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Postby shrubb face » 01 Apr 2011, 21:07

Thats a boring story. The one you want to hear is when i raced a state team pursuit with the bolts on my disc done up hand tight.

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Apr 2011, 21:48

Thats a boring story. The one you want to hear is when i raced a state team pursuit with the bolts on my disc done up hand tight.
LOL, that could of been expensive and painful

Not as risky as yours, but I rode the fixie with the front nuts hand tight, did about 15k in the dark when I discovered that I had only one nut, the other one was gone. Tightened it up and rode about another 15 on one nut till I got to work. Picked up another nut from the LBS at lunchtime

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